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School professors Mariano González and Luis Tena participate in the 'Architecture&Documentary' series

This is conference organized by the high school of Architects Basque Navarre (COAVN).

08/05/12 09:03
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Poster of the series organized by COAVN PHOTO:

The director of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, Mariano González Presencio, and Professor Luis Tena are two of the speakers at the 3rd film series "ARCHITECTURE & DOCUMENTARY", organized by the Navarra Delegation of the high school Official Basque-Navarrese Architects Association (COAVN). The INAAC Foundation and the Caja de Arquitectos Foundation are collaborating in the activity.

The cycle, with free entrance (prior collection of invitation at locker), includes the presentation and screening of four films in original version with subtitles, followed by a colloquium afterwards at position by architects Mariano González Presencio, Luis Tena, Javier Torrens and María Urmeneta, respectively.

On May 9, "The Blandings Already Have a Home" (1948), starring the legendary Cary Grant, will be screened, portraying the role of the architect and his not always easy relationship with his clientele in a humorous core topic . On May 16 will be the ins and outs surrounding the latest trends in the real estate market through "Futures Market" (2011), by the Navarrese filmmaker Mercedes Alvarez. topic The design typography in big cities and how it influences our lives is the central theme of "Helvetica" (2007), on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the appearance of this typeface subject , which will be screened on May 23. The cycle closes on May 30 with an emblematic female figure of modernity: the architect and furniture designer Eileen Gray, with "Invitation to travel" (2006).

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