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Students of the School of Economics visit Volkswagen Navarra

Students learn first-hand about the organization of production at the Landaben factory.

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Students visit the Bodywork and Painting section of the Landaben factory.
PHOTO: Courtesy
09/04/13 15:36 Miguel M. Aríztegui

Students of the subject of Principles of Business Administration, belonging to both the double licentiate degree in Business Administration and Management and Law (35) and Degree in Economics (48), have visited the factory that Volskwagen Navarra has in Landaben. The activity aims to bring the world of the real Economics closer to the students, and is one morepartnership between the academic institution and the German multinational, also embodied in the Chair Volskwagen.

Miguel Urdiáin, director External Relations of Volkswagen Navarra, explained the history of group VW and the Landaben factory, as well as the main economic data of the factory, which is one of the most important economic pillars of the region.

Subsequently, the director of Financial Planning, Roberto Goñi, graduate in the second promotion of the School of Economics of the University of Navarra, explained in detail the function of a factory like Landaben in a large multinational. Finally, the students went on a guided tour of the Sheet Metal and Press workshops at visit .



