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A professor from the University of Navarra, named honorary professor at the Universidad del Istmo, in Guatemala.

Inmaculada Jiménez Caballero, from the School of Architecture, collaborates with the start-up of the Museo de Arte del campus

09/09/11 13:34
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PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Inmaculada Jiménez Caballero, professor at School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, has been named honorary professor at the University of the Isthmus in Guatemala. The academic center thus recognizes the professor's career professor and research, her partnership in one of its masters for seven years and her support in the promotion of the International Office of the Guatemalan university with other prestigious campus .

Inmaculada Jiménez Caballero, a native of Cascante (Navarra), is a professor at department of Projects at School of Architecture of the University of Navarra. Her activity professor and research focuses on architectural drawing and architectural graphic expression in general.

She is the author of several books and numerous specialized articles, including Arquitectura neoclásica en el Burgo de Osma, La Real Capilla Palafox en la Catedral del Burgo de Osma -published by the Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando- and project y vivienda. The latest works he has published in 2011 are a article on the architecture of the Camino de Santiago, in the publishing house of the Nicolaus Copernicus University of Poland; another on the architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright, in the magazine Américas; and another on housing, in Perspectivas. All of his publications incorporate graphic surveys or analysis of architectural drawings.

The professor of the School of Architecture regularly participates in national and international congresses. She also practices the graphic official document : she has a collection of hundreds of drawings that she makes in the "travel notebooks" that she always carries with her.

International recognition

Inmaculada Jiménez Caballero combines her activity professor and research with the organization of the painting workshop 'Maestros de la Figuración', taught by artists Antonio López, José María Mezquita and Juan José Aquerreta during the summer. He also collaborates with the start-up of the Art Museum of the University of Navarra and has coordinated his first activity, a workshop by Íñigo Manglano-Ovalle.

She has also worked as an architect since she obtained her degree from degree scroll in 1981. She has built public and private buildings, both residential and public buildings for various uses, and has developed several urban planning projects.

On the other hand, she has been special guest of the Chair Luis Barragán, at the Tec de Monterrey (Mexico); member of the international jury of the award a la Excelencia de Cementos Progreso, in Guatemala; curator of the exhibition of the graphic work of Agustín de Celis 'La pintura y la arquitectura'; and director of Debates within Expresarte, in the editions of 2006, 2008 and 2010.



