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agreement between the School of Law and the Casa de la Juventud to provide legal aid to young people.

Fourth-year students will validate the free service as a professional solidarity activity.

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signature of agreement between the Casa de la Juventud, the University of Navarra and SEDENA. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
10/06/14 13:34

The Foundation business-University of Navarra, the business SEDENA and the City Council of Pamplona have signed an agreement agreement which establishes the participation of fourth year law students of the University of Navarra in a Legal Orientation program for young people at the Casa de la Juventud. 

The program has been signed to achieve two objectives: on the one hand, to provide legal guidance to the youth sector of the population, and on the other hand, to complement the academic training of the students who participate in the advisory service. The agreement has been signed by Cristina Muñoz, director General Manager of the Foundation business University of the University of Navarra; Jorge Noval Pato, Dean of the School of Law of the University of Navarra; Paz Prieto, Special Councilor for Youth and Sports of the City Council of Pamplona; and José Ramón Iriarte Goyena, representative of SEDENA, S.L., business manager of the Casa de la Juventud.

Student roles

In addition to legal guidance, the members of the program should develop parallel activities, such as organizing conferences or colloquiums on current legal topics, contacting specialized legal entities in each subject, updating bibliographic collections and preparing information files, among others. 

The fundamental goal of advisory service is to inform young people about any aspect related to law that is of interest to them. At the same time, they are offered the possibility of accessing various tools from training on these topics. The advisory service is in charge of any aspect related to youth and Law, such as instances, documents, resources, etc., trying to provide young people with tools that help them to be autonomous and capable in their legal relations. 

advisory service Legal Service

These practices are the result of the partnership agreement that for more than 20 years, since 1992, has maintained the Youth House of PamplonaSchool of Law and the Foundation business University of Navarra. At the head of the advisory service Legal is a lawyer who supervises the service with the partnership of the students of the University of Navarra. Guidance is provided in several ways: in person, by telephone and by e-mail. In the latter case, it can be done either through the e-mail address of advisory service,, or through form on the web page

Likewise, it works with users, providing them with support in completing the documentation that may be required in each specific case. In addition, advisory service prepares articles on legal matters of interest to young people, published on the web page, prepares conferences related to current legal topics of interest to young people, and organizes courses on such topics. 



