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The President appoints Dr. Frühbeck as vice-dean and José Miguel Fernández, General Manager of the School of Medicine.


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Dr. Gemma Frühbeck and José Miguel Fernández, vice-dean and General Manager of the School of Medicine. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
10/10/18 18:15 Miguel Ángel Echávarri

The President has appointed Dr. Gemma Frühbeck as vice-dean and José Miguel Fernández General Manager of the School of Medicine. With the incorporation of Dr. Frühbeck, the School of Medicine reorganizes the distribution of areas that are skill of each of the vice deans, as follows:

Dr. José Hermida Santos, Associate Dean de Alumnos.

Dr. Arantza Campo, Vice-Dean of Office of Academic Affairs.

Dr. Juan Carlos Galofré, Associate Dean of academic staff and postgraduate program.

Dr. Jesús San Miguel, Associate Dean of Clinical and Translational Medicine.

Dr. Gema Frühbeck, Vice-Dean of research and doctorate.

On the other hand, José Miguel Fernández replaces Carmen Ferrer at position of General Manager , who has been appointed administrative assistant general of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

Dr. Gemma Frühbeck

Graduated in Medicine and Surgery (1989), and PhD with award Extraordinary (1995), from the University. After fill in her training in the Nutrition Society (United Kingdom), she made a postdoctoral stay at the Dunn Clinical Nutrition Centre in Cambridge while teaching at the University of Cambridge. Currently, she is director of the laboratory of research Metabolic, as well as co-director of the area of Obesity, consultant of the department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, and Professor of the School of Medicine. She is also coordinator of the Obesity Program of the CIBER of Obesity and Nutrition and Head of the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Association for the Study of Obesity.

José Miguel Fernández

José Miguel Fernández was, since 2015 and to date, director of Administration of the Clinic. He is graduate in Geography and History from the University (1986) and Master's Degree in Business Administration from ESADE (1988). He joined the Clínica in 1988, where he held the positions of director of the Promotion service and development, director of External Relations, and director of Customer Service.



