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From Pamplona to Kenya: a more than professional experience

Interview with Maria Monge and Santiago Mateo about their international internships.

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PHOTO: Esperanza Rodés
12/11/18 13:51 Esperanza Rodés

María Monge, graduated in Education Childhood and Pedagogyand Santiago Mateo, in the fifth year of the double degree of Education Primary and Pedagogydecided to live an international experience by doing their internship at high school in Kenya. Specifically, they both did it at the Maria Chenge Educational Centre (formerly called Our Lady School), the same one that students of the School of Architecture had rebuilt from the initiative of the student Clara Purroy and Building their Future. 

For these alumni of the School of Education and Psychology of the University of Navarra, the experience "is always enriching" and has made them grow "professionally and personally".

Why did you decide to study these Degrees?

SM: I always knew I wanted to help others and improve the world. These two points of view come together at Education. It is my vocation and since I was young I had it clear, also because of my experience staff of having had good teachers, very good teachers, who helped me in all areas of my life, both school, professional and staff.

MM: I decided to study pedagogy because of my vocation towards Education in general and Education in particular. I made the decision to study teaching when I discovered the possibility of studying a double Degree. It seemed to me a good opportunity to complement my training and expand my job opportunities by studying just one more year. Throughout the degree program I discovered that pedagogy does not only cover the field of special Education , but that it deals with all the dimensions of the person and how he/she relates in a social environment. This allows us to explore a myriad of educational areas in which we can practice our profession (mediation, social Education , guidance staff, family guidance, school guidance, etc.).

What about doing your internship abroad?

SM: On the one hand, I have always liked to travel and learn about other cultures, which financial aid opens your mind and, therefore, improves many areas of your life. On the other hand, my older brother, with the same concerns as me, decided to do an international exchange and he loved it. This encouraged me to make the decision, it was clear to me that whenever I could take advantage of such an opportunity, I had to go.

MM: I have always been motivated to live different experiences abroad, so when we were informed that it was possible to do an internship in another country, I did not hesitate. In addition, I was lucky that two colleagues from my Degree, Beatriz Moreno and Eva Izquerdo also felt this motivation, so we encouraged each other and were able to organize it together.

What has been your experience?

SM: It has literally been the best experience of my life. I bet to make my practicum with a project that six colleagues from my class and I pushed for, called project Baadaye.

In addition to having successfully carried out the objectives proposed with this project, we have also achieved and developed many other professional skills that we had not even considered. The mere fact of being independent and going to another country totally different culturally, with all the problems that this entails, managing to successfully carry out, based on the needs detected, what was proposed is a great motivation as a professional, but the best part is the staff. Getting a child in those circumstances to smile every day, even once, is one of the most valuable things I have ever experienced.

MM: The experience was really satisfying. We learned many things in relation to our programs of study and many other things that transcend the academic level. The teachers at high school where we were were always willing to explain how they did things, they showed us their programs, their way of evaluating according to state standards, and they let us participate actively. At final, they took us into account and guided us in our learning process. We were also fortunate to have an excellent internship tutor, Maria Chege, who also guided and mentored us staff and academically throughout the internship. 

Do you think that doing an internship abroad is positive? What would you highlight from what you have experienced?

SM: Without a doubt it is positive. financial aid will help you develop many professional skills that are undoubtedly essential for any person and professional, especially being independent to successfully accomplish everything you have set out to do in an area that is clearly outside your comfort circle.

MM: I think that doing internships abroad is positive and very enriching. The Education has an essential part that I think is maintained in all cultures, but at the same time the different ways of materializing that essence can be different around the world. Seeing firsthand how education is done in another country complements our knowledge on Education, and can help us to be more creative and innovative when it comes to teaching in our system educational.

What would you tell your colleagues to encourage them to live this experience?

SM: It is essential to go abroad, both for exchange and for the practicum. It is essential to open your mind, to get to know different cultures and points of view, ways of living and working that will undoubtedly help you to be both a better professional and a better person. You also realize that this subject experience really motivates you to pursue your vocation.

MM: We have several practicums and it's very positive to try to see different things, and nothing is more different than finding out how the task is carried out professor in a foreign country. It's a great opportunity to learn about Education, and also to learn and grow staff. I saw drawbacks to carrying it out, and I would tell my colleagues not to back out without trying, almost anything can be solved if you have the motivation and look for financial aid. In my case staff, the internship tutor at the University, Natalia Verea, helped us with all the necessary paperwork and supported us to make our academic experience successful. Also, Nuria Ascunce, from Carrer Services of the School, informed us about the existence of the scholarship Global, a financial aid to do internships in any foreign country and that can be very helpful financial aid.



