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MBRF students visit different companies and institutions in London and Brussels

London and the European capital have acted as classrooms for the students of Master's Degree in Banking and Financial Regulation that School offers in Madrid.

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MBRF students at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels. PHOTO:
13/02/18 17:45

PwC, Moody's Analytics, ML Advisory and Álvarez & Marsal are some of the companies with which the MBRF students had contact during their stay in London, during a series of seminars in which various topics related to financial regulation were discussed. These seminars were combined with visits to the European Banking Authority (EBA), Goldman Sachs and Citigroup's conference room of Bursar's Office .

During their stay in Brussels, the students participated in activities of the European Banking Federation (EBF) and were able to attend to numerous meetings with members of the European Commission, as well as to visit the premises of the European Parliament and the European committee .



