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Alejandro Llano, Full Professor of the University of Navarra, joins El Confidencial Digital as a columnist.

It will publish a topical analysis on weekends.

14/01/10 09:11
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Alejandro Llano is professor of Philosophy and president of high school of Anthropology and Ethics at the University of Navarra. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

Alejandro Llano, Full Professor of metaphysics at the University of Navarra, joins'El Confidencial Digital' with an opinion column that will be signed under the heading 'La Realidad'. It will be a current affairs analysis that will be published on weekends.

Alejandro Llano Cifuentes is considered one of the most renowned Spanish philosophers. He studied at the Universities of Madrid, Valencia and Bonn and received his PhD from the University of Valencia. In 1976 he obtained the Chair of Metaphysics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and in 1977 he joined the University of Navarra, where he was Dean of the School of Philosophy and Letters (1981-1989) and President (1991-1996). He is currently president of the high school of Anthropology and Ethics and professor of Philosophy in this academic center.

He is a member of issue of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Honorary Patron of the Spanish Foundation of Psychiatry and member of the Brazilian Academy of Philosophy.

He has dealt with almost all areas of the Philosophy. His numerous publications include the books Ética y política en la sociedad democrática, Metafísica y lenguaje, El humanismo en la business, Humanismo cívico, El diablo es conservador, La vida lograda, Deseo, violencia, sacrificio, Cultura y pasión, En busca de la trascendencia or Metafísica tras el final de la metafísica, among others. He recently presented his memoirs under degree scroll Olor a yerba seca.



