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12 urban regeneration proposals for Barañáin by 4 architecture students from the University of Barañáin

Inés Algarra, Iago Grande, Mikel López Izcue and Jaime Paredes have studied the town in the subject Urban Regeneration with the framework of diary Spanish Urban

FotoMarcosDel Pozo/From left to right, the teacher manager of the subject, Elena Lacilla; the students Jaime Paredes, Iago Grande, Mikel López and Inés Algarra; and the mayor of Barañáin, María Lecumberri Bonilla.

15 | 07 | 2021

Degree programs of study Inés Algarra Iriarte, Iago Grande Izquierdo, Mikel López Izcue and Jaime Paredes Dueñas have developed twelve proposals of urban regeneration for Barañáin within the subject Urban Regeneration, taking as framework the diary Spanish Urban .

Under the tutelage of Professor Elena Lacilla and with the partnership professor of José Ramón Bergasa, the goal of the exercise consisted of working on examples of the implementation of the Spanish Urban diary in medium-sized population centers. The work of the students has been picked up by the entity -depending on the Ministry of Transport, mobility and diary Urbana- as a successful case developed by a Spanish university

This document served as guide to prepare, first of all, the municipality's Action Plan. Using descriptive data provided by the Ministry of Transportation, mobility and diary Urbana -such as the issue inhabitants (20,039) or the percentage of land already urbanized (69.7%) or its unemployment rate (8.4%)-, the students carried out a detailed analysis that also analyzes the successive urban development plans that the town has had.

Regenerate the industrial area and mix traditional uses.

"We confirm that Barañain continues to maintain its morphology adapted to the orography on which it sits - a promontory bordered in its most leave share by the Arga and Elorz rivers - with constant population declines, increasing aging and a Economics focused on the tertiary sector and services," explain the students. 

"From here we propose several actions, such as the creation of well-connected free space systems, the regeneration of the industrial area located between Landaben and the residential core of the municipality; or the promotion of the mix of its traditional and the realization of a green infrastructure, as well as the improvement in the mobility at different scales", add the students of the last year of Architecture at the University of Navarra.

The proposals were carried out within the pathway of specialization of the accredited specialization in management of the project Urbano -coordinated and directed by the also professor of the School Asier Santas-, which also includes the subjects of Project Workshop Oriented Design Studio, Landscape Design, Urban Planning, management Urbana, Graphic Lab and two International Seminars and for which prestigious guest professors helped them to reflect on the city and the interventions in consolidated areas.

All the topics discussed, moreover, were contemplated in the strategic framework proposed by the Spanish Urban diary : a strategic document of a normative nature that gathers the criteria of the diary 2030, the United Nations Urban diary and the Urban diary for the EU. "All of them aimed at achieving sustainability in urban development policies through a new method of work that proposes an alternative way of looking at towns and cities from a cross-cutting and integrated perspective; taking into account social, economic and environmental aspects but also governance, with greater participation and partnership, betting on the dissemination and exchange of knowledge," details Professor Lacilla, manager of the subject.



