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More than 1,070 students and graduates and 96 companies participate in the University's Virtual Fair employment

4,629 applications were received for the 456 offers of employment and internships published.

/The University of Navarra's employment Virtual Fair is the largest recruiting event it organizes.

26 | 03 | 2024

In total, 1,078 students and graduates of the University of Navarra and 96 companies participated in the employment Virtual Fair held on March 6 and 7. This event aims to multiply job opportunities for students and graduates of the University and respond to the hiring needs of companies.

Among the companies and associations from various sectors that have opted to seek talent at the academic center are, for example, 3P Biovian, Arenales network Educativa, AWWG, BBVA, EY, Florette, Galletas Gullón, Histocell, Kraft Heinz, L'Oréal, Lenovo, LLYC and Zurich. "It is the biggest recruiting event of the course and of the University. It is a moment core topic for students and recent graduates to have the opportunity to enter their first selection processes and, above all, to live a professional experience," explains Alfonso Vericat, director of the Internship Service and employment of the University of Navarra.

Specifically, a total of 733 students from Degree and Master's Degree and 345 alumni of different profiles registered at the Fair. Participants were able to apply to 456 internship and employment offers published by the companies and made a total of 4,629 applications.

Soft skills on the rise

Students and graduates of all profiles participated in the Fair.Juan José Rodríguez Ferro Andrés, who this year will graduate in the Double Degree in Pedagogy and Education Primary, has entered into several selection processes thanks to the Fair, both in business and educational contexts. "The companies are the ones that come to your own university and you choose in which ones you see yourself more and decide whether or not to apply to the offers. But it's not enough to apply to the offers, you have to follow up and contact recruiters, even if they don't have vacancies available at the time," adds Juan José Rodríguez. 

During the weeks prior to the Fair, the University's Internship and employment Service offered training to students to help them improve their employability and prepare them for the event. For example, they were taught how to prepare a CV and a LinkedIn profile ; how to conduct work interviews and group dynamics; and how to actively search for internships and employment .

The student Juan José Rodríguez has entered into several selection processes as a result of his participation in the Virtual Fair of employment.

"One of the most important things to be successful in this event subject is, without a doubt, to have a proactive attitude," says Alfonso Vericat. This is also the opinion of student Juan José Rodríguez: "We cannot forget that recruiters are people who like to work and deal with others, so we must lose our fear of approaching them. After all, they are trying to cover a profile where you could fit in and most of them are happy to help you with whatever you need". That's why the Fair is also an open door to networking with human resources professionals.

As for what companies are increasingly looking for, Alfonso Vericat assures that "soft skills are increasingly in demand. It no longer matters so much what you have studied, which is also important, but what they value most is the attitude of the student or graduate. For this reason, events like this help to bring the reality of the labor market closer to the students. In this way, by putting everything they have learned on internship, they can identify their strengths and areas for improvement".

In addition to this Virtual Fair of employment, which has been held since 2020, the University organizes face-to-face fairs, such as the one held every year by the School of Engineering (Tecnun) at campus in San Sebastian. In addition, this academic year, this same School and the School of Economics organized the first on-site fair at the University's postgraduate program headquarters in Madrid. In total, each year the University brings together more than 250 companies and thousands of students and graduates at this event subject .

Companies participating in the Virtual Fair of employment 2024

3P Biovian, Acciona Energía, AGUI, AIN, Amavir, AmRest, Applus+, Arenales network Educativa, Array Technologies, AstraZeneca, Attendis, AWWG, Basquevolt, BBi Nordics, BBVA, BCW, BIP Consulting, Boston Consulting Group, Boston Scientific Ibérica, Caja Rural de Navarra, CampusHome, Ceit, CNTA, high school Ingenieros Industriales/Fundación Industrial Navarra, Corporate Excellence, Credit Agricole CIB, Crowe Spain, EDUCSI Zona Norte, El Corte Inglés, Exceltic, EY, Farlabo España, Farmacia M. J. Vallejos, Florette, Fomento de Centros de teaching, Galletas Gullón, Generali Seguros, group Castilla, group, Empresarial Larrión, group Enhol, group Osborne, Hipoges, Histocell, Houlihan Lokey, I+Med, IDOM, ILUNION Hotels, ILUNION Lavanderías, IMED Hospitales, INECO, iSiMAR, Job&Talent, Kraft Heinz, L'Oréal, Lenovo, LLYC, Madrid Talento, Management Solutions, MAPFRE, MAS Aparthotel EU, Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de Función Pública, Montaner, NAITEC, Nordex Energy Spain, Novaquality, Ove Arup & Partners, Page Group, Persán, Persona Service, PKF Attest, Primark, Prodigioso Volcán, Pulsa average Consulting, Qualitas Funds, Recruiting Erasmus, Rypples average, Sanitas, SEDENA, Shoots Selección Alemania, Solidus, Solo Talentos Farma, SUNGROW, Talent Point, Tinkle, Tracasa Instrumental, Transcendent, Universidad de Navarra, Vector Renewables España, Verisure, Viscofan, Vitae Professionals, Volkswagen Group España Distribución, Weber Shandwick, Werfen, Willis Towers Watson and Zurich.



