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The University of Navarra and Florette finalize their project for the edition of a book that rescues the cultural bequest of the countryside.

The initiative aims to preserve the words and language of the agricultural sector and the rural environment, to prevent the loss of "endangered" terms. goal


The University of Navarra and the business Florette have concluded the project Florettepediawhich has resulted in the publication of a book dedicated to preserving the words and language related to the agricultural sector.

It is a compilation of terms related to the rural environment that are in danger of falling into oblivion due to their limited use by very specific groups in certain regions. The aim of this initiative is to rescue and highlight the rich cultural heritage that has been passed down from generation to generation in the rural areas of our country.

The book, graduate Florettepediais the result of the partnership between the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra and Florette, who have worked on the creation of a glossary of terms shared for more than a year by farmers and people related to the world of the sector, who have wanted to contribute to the preservation of terms of their daily life, but less and less known.

Words emerging from the field

Florettepedia is a glossary of terms related to the countryside, including tools, processes or products of the agricultural sector. This compilation of words in danger of extinction was born from the partnership between the School of Philosophy y Letras and Florette, who encouraged all people related to the field or who know terms related to the sector to participate through the web

Based on this compilation, Cristina Tabernero, professor of language Spanish at the University of Navarra, and Manuel Casado, Full Professor emeritus of language Spanish at the academic center, conducted an in-depth study of the words in disuse used by local farmers to understand their history, origin, geographic variation and richness. For the project, they were supported by Maite Iraceburu, PhD in Arts and Humanities by the University of Navarra and lecturer at the University of Siena; and Teresa Tabuenca, student of Degree in language and Spanish Literature of the School of Philosophy and Letters.

Professor Tabernero has pointed out that "we have worked hard to collect and study the words of the countryside and to document and give voice to terms that were at risk of disappearing. This book is not only a tribute to our roots, but also a call to conserve and protect the rural knowledge ". For its part, Florette has emphasized that this "is an opportunity to revalue the wealth offered by our rural areas and the fundamental role they play in the agricultural sector. We are proud to have collaborated with the University of Navarra in this inspiring project that we believe will contribute to the recovery of endangered words related to our countryside".



