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patron saint Day at the School of Architecture


16/02/17 11:35 Inés Escauriaza

Last Wednesday, February 1, the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra celebrated the day of its patron saint with various recreational activities organized by the students of the School.

The workshop began with a Mass of thanksgiving in which the teachers who passed away last year, Leopoldo Gil and Joaquín Lorda, as well as Pedro Larraya, porter of the School, were present.

After the traditional chocolate with churros, the hall was filled with costumed students. The theme this year was "Objects of everyday life" or "Autocad plots". The improvised stage, animated by Sofía Pérez de Amezaga, a 5th year Architecture student, was filled with everything from bathtubs with foam, to a bathrobe, to the quintessential Autocad error (which was repeated in different formats) or the morning team coffee. The winner of the contest was the team disguised as a beam.

The popular lunch, prepared by the students on the grill, consisted of hot dogs, txistorra sandwiches and potato omelette skewers. In the afternoon, the protagonist was the traditional bridge contest.

We encourage you to watch the video of the workshop, elaborated by Luis Vidal of 1st of design and the photographs, taken by the student of 5th of Architecture Alberto Andrés.



