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Jesuitinas Pamplona, winners of the Ephemeral Architecture Competition

The group "Diverarqui" exhibits its work at the School of Architecture

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16/06/15 18:48 Alberto Bonilla

The group 'Diverarqui' of the high school Hijas de Jesús de Pamplona has won the Ephemeral Architecture competition, organized by the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra and sponsored by the Fundación Arquitectura y Sociedad and Brico Depôt.

Diverarqui', the winning team of award for the best design and construction, is made up of eight students from the 4th year of Secondary School: Pablo Mora, Jimmy Telles, Alex Anchundía, Andoni Romero, Leyre Emmanuel, Leire Martínez, Paula Barbería, Leyre Lecumberri; led by their teacher Javier Beaumont. The modules designed by this group have been installed in the School of Architecture and will remain available all summer for its visit.

Also, the winners of award of the public, recorded through the 'likes' achieved in the social Facebook network , have been 'LEUKArquitectura', formed by three students of 1 st of high school diploma of high school Altozano of Alicante. Marta Parrilla Moreno, Cristina Rodríguez del Toro, Esther Candela Ferrández, members of group, have reached 455 likes on their creation before the close of the contest. The project has been directed by Professor Laura Esperidón.

The submission awards ceremony took place last Tuesday, June 25 and during the workshop the construction of the structure of the winning group for the best design and construction took place.



