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meeting Alumni: 25th anniversary of the first graduating class of School of Economics

 The event was attended by students from the 1992, 2002 and 2007 graduating classes.

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More than one hundred alumni of the School were given quotation in the campus of the University. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
16/10/17 12:34 Andres Juarez

More than one hundred alumni of the School of Economic and Business Sciences met quotation last Saturday, October 7th at campus of the University of Navarra to celebrate their graduation anniversary. This year, the 25th anniversary of the first graduating class, was attended by students from the 1992, 2002 and 2007 graduating classes.

During the event, the alumni were able to reconnect with former professors and classmates and enjoy the presentation '25 years: yesterday and today of the School' given by the Dean of the School, Ignacio Ferrero. During the event, the Dean gave recognition to different people who have been part of the history of the School, including: the first Dean, Miguel Alfonso; the former Associate Dean, Agustín González; the former director of programs of study, Carmen San Martín and the professor of Economics, Elvira Martínez.

In addition, the Dean used this event to encourage his former classmates from the first graduating class of the School, as some have already done, to bring their children to "this house".

For his part, President, Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero, gave a session on project Horizon 2020 at the museum of the University of Navarra. During the presentation, the President urged those present to collaborate in "making the University one of the best places in the world to study". He also recalled their important work as "good ambassadors" and thanked them for their invaluable financial support for the University's projects, especially the Alumni Scholarships program with which 10,382 alumni collaborate on a regular basis.



