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"Our family business has come through because of people."

Antonio Lence, director general of Viena Capellanes, in the cycle "My experience managing people".

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17/03/17 00:35 Rocío del Prado

"The family business can be a double-edged sword," said Antonio Lence, director general of Viena Capellanes, who shared his experience as a director of the 144-year-old family company. However, the core topic of the success of the family business, says Lence, is in the people: "our project has kept going thanks to the people". The role of the work team, Lence added, is a "very important issue in any business" and "very difficult to learn", as an inseparable component of people.

In the fifth generation of the family business, Antonio Lence, director general of the business, showed the students of the Master's Degree in Personnel Management Service in Organizations, the development of a bakery that was born in Capellanes street in Madrid following a Viennese recipe to make a bread that was called "vienna" to a business that today has 20 establishments and 55 corners, among others. "We try to prevent history from becoming a burden. We are proud of our history, but we don't want to be pigeonholed into a certain activity. Over time we have been diversifying and developing activities. The business now does the whole process: manufactures, stores, distributes and sells."

Lence also shared some tips for managing people in a company: "It is very important to value people not as a function or a position, but recognizing that they are people before they are workers or managers. It is necessary to find a way to unite them by creating new teams and that they all go towards the same goal". Lence emphasized that "people are not resources but are full of resources", that is why the best companies develop great people and those people are the ones that make it possible to offer good products and services.

At staff, Lence stressed the importance of not showing resistance to change and maintaining a positive attitude towards work. "Take advantage of every opportunity you have to learn. The most important thing is attitude. Attitude doesn't add up, it multiplies."



