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Students of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra make short films for the subject 'Visiones de Vanguardia'.

They provide a broad perspective on different approaches to contemporary visual aesthetics.

17/06/10 08:16
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Ruben Alcolea is the professor of 'Perspectives on Architecture and Culture III'. PHOTO: Manuel Castells

School of Architecture For the second consecutive year, the students of the subject 'Visiones de Vanguardia' -whose official name is 'Perspectivas de Arquitectura y Cultura III'- have made around 30 short films in which they capture some of the ideas and visual concepts developed during the classes.

The videos, of a maximum of three minutes, were made by students in groups of up to three people, and had no dialogue or subtitles. The use of music was allowed, as long as it contributed to the transmission of the visual message. Although the final result is quite heterogeneous, as a whole it provides a broad perspective on different approaches to contemporary visual aesthetics.

"This work was conceived from the conviction that the creative process should not be developed solely on its own, in an isolated manner and based on the classic methods of visual representation," says Rubén Alcolea, professor at subject. "For this reason, the use of new technologies was proposed as a method for work , creating a network that encompassed the whole course and that has allowed both the transfer of ideas and criteria among the groups, as well as the continuous criticism of the achievements obtained in the different phases of work", adds Deputy Director of the School of Architecture.

In the web space created specifically for the development of the subject ( are exposed -along with those of the last course- the final works, as well as a blog, some teaching materials used during the theoretical classes and eventual indications or notes referring to the development of the course.



