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Tribute to Agustín González Enciso

More than three decades of work and exemplary dedication to the University of Navarra.

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18/05/18 10:35

Last Friday, May 18, the School of Philosophy and Letters paid an academic tribute to Agustín González Enciso, for his more than three decades of work and exemplary dedication to the University of Navarra, in which he has stood out as a professor and passionate teacher of generations of historians, researcher and tireless scholar of Spanish economic history -especially that of the 18th century-, and a complete university professor, with an intense dedication also to the academic management . In the ceremony, presided over by the President of the University of Navarra, Alfonso Sánchez Tabernero, there were several interventions: Julia Pavón, professor and director of the department of History, History of Art and Geography of the University of Navarra, underlined the high issue both from universities and people linked to History who have wanted to join in the tribute to the figure of Agustín. Rafael Torres Sanchez, Senior Associate Professor of Economic History at the University of Navarra. School of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Navarra, as a disciple and friend, emphasized his ability to transmit not only knowledge, but also values and attitude towards the profession and towards life. He underlined his generosity and pointed out that "he has been a teacher without trying to be, simply by setting an example". Luis Antonio Ribot, Full Professor of Modern History at the UNED and member of issue of the Royal Academy of History, spoke of their friendship and of the 1970s in Valladolid, when they were both assistants at department of History directed by Luis Miguel Enciso Recio, in which tolerance, friendship and love of history stood out. He underlined his courage in leaving a more or less known future in Madrid to go to the USA to perfect his English and his knowledge, just as he did years later when he left Murcia to come to Navarra.

Javier Escrivá, Full Professor and director of the high school of Family Sciences (ICF) of the University of Navarra, spoke about the years when the ICF online Master's program was launched, when they shared experiences and friendship. Finally, Ricardo Martí Fluxá, President of the ICF, spoke about the years when the ICF online Master's program was launched. high school business and Humanism and the Real board of trustees of the Museo Nacional Centro Reina Sofía, underlined Agustín's dedication and involvement in the high school, from the very beginning. All highlighted his open smile, his elegance, and his ability to evolve, to integrate history into other facets of society.

The tribute included the presentation of a commemorative volume to Professor González Enciso at submission . commemorative volume of programs of study on history and economic history, written by his collaborators and friends, and edited by his disciple, Rafael Torres.

Passion for research

Agustín González Enciso, Full Professor of Economic History, has developed during his university degree program an intense research work focused on the Economics, society, and institutions of eighteenth-century Spain and its comparison with other countries in Western Europe. Some specific fields in which he has worked have been the state factories, proto-industrialization, or the bourgeoisie, through the military entrepreneurs and merchants of the 18th century as protagonists of economic action. He has also dealt with institutional aspects: the Spanish High Administration in the 18th century (he was part of the team of work directed by Pere Molas and Didier Ozanam), and the Treasury, studied from the income from tobacco, which, being an important fiscal monopoly, summarizes many aspects of the problems of various kinds (political, fiscal and economic culture), as well as serving to finance the war activities of the time. His last lines of research have been directed to explore the concept of fiscal-military state in Spain (fiscal-military state) and the study of military entrepreneurs (contractor state).

Since the publication of España y USA en el siglo XVIII. Crecimiento industrial comparado y relaciones comerciales, Valladolid, 1979, and Estado e industria en el siglo XVIII. La fábrica de Guadalajara, Madrid, 1980, to his most recent Philip V: Economic and Social Reform in Spain. Transforming Spain in the first half of the eighteenth century, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken, 2012, or War, Power and the Economy. Mercantilism and State Formation in 18th-Century Europe, Routledge, London, 2017, his intense work for research has taken the form of more than twenty books and dozens of articles. He has also been a promoter and very active member of national and international research groups such as the group of Financial History (GRHIFI), of the department of History, University of Navarra (1996-2007); group of programs of study of Tobacco (GRETA), which brought together a group of researchers from several Spanish universities between 1998-2012, with the support of the Tabacalera Foundation and the Altadis Foundation; Contractor State Group (CSG), and CSG-network Imperial.

At the service of the University

Professor González Enciso has been able to combine in an exemplary way his degree program professor and research with an attitude of service that has always led him to occupy positions of responsibility at the University. He has been Associate Dean of the School of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Navarra between 1988 and 1991, Vice President of the University of Navarra from 1991 to 1997, Director of the department of History (1996-2002), President of the high school of Sciences for the Family (1997-2004). He has also been a member of committee publishing house of Cuadernos de research Histórica (Fundación Universitaria Española, Madrid), Director of the Journal report y Civilización (University of Navarra) and Director of committee publishing house of the Colección Histórica, of EUNSA. Recently, referring to this long degree program in university government positions, he said: "Participating in government positions gives you another perspective, because you see the general problems and that the University is a whole. You appreciate that others also think and have an opinion (usually better than your own) and you see that the best thing is to work as a team.

Gonzalez Enciso and the high school business and Humanism

Over the years he has held various positions, always working to harmonize the world of business and that of the university: Vice President of board of trustees of high school business and Humanism (1995-2014) and Deputy Director of high school business and Humanism (2006-2014). Since 2014 he has been University Secretary of board of trustees of high school business and Humanism. He has also been Director of publications of high school business and Humanism, and Director of doctoral program in Governance and Culture of Organizations. Two works of his, La business en la historia and Valores burgueses y valores aristocráticos en el capitalismo moderno: una reflexión histórica, have been published in the Cuadernos del high school collection.

Agustín González Enciso has always defended the importance of the multidisciplinarity and the Humanities, and about his work in Institutes such as business and Humanism he has recently said: "The interdisciplinary in Humanities is today inexcusable to see more and in a different way. The work of these institutes was pioneering and, for me, highly enriching: it opened new perspectives and international doors (Italy, Latin America). At that time there was no ICS, nor were there double Degrees, so these institutes covered interdisciplinary activities, teaching and research . They represent a great added value for the University".

His prolific work in different management positions at high school business y Humanismo was praised with these words by Ricardo Martí-Fluxá these words by Ricardo Martí-FluxáPresident of high school, at the Tribute Ceremony.



