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A representation of our students at Crearq

Erik Ochoa (4th), Maialen Ariz (2nd), Sofía Pérez de Amezaga (3rd) and Álvaro Itarte (5th) were in charge of representing our students at the General Assembly of the organization.

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Attendees at the General Assembly Crearq at the University of Zaragoza.
PHOTO: Courtesy
19/10/15 14:39 Paula Bayo

On October 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, the General Assembly of the committee of Architecture Students Representatives (Crearq) took place at the School of Engineering and Architecture of the University of Zaragoza. The celebration of this Assembly was accompanied by the IV conference of training for the representatives of the different Schools and Schools who attended.

A meeting that is held twice a year to establish the lines of action of all the student representative bodies of the Schools of Architecture. In this meeting the different positions were renewed, the reports of the Commissions of work were presented and different presentations and workshops were held by StepienyBarno, Pedacicos Arquitectónicos, FÜNDC Arquitectos, Esto no es un Solar and Harinera ZGZ.

CREARQ is a statewide association formed by the Councils of Architecture Student Representatives of the Schools and Schools of Architecture throughout Spain, whose main interest is to defend the interests and rights of the entire student body. In the case of the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra, our committee of Representatives is formed by Erik Ochoa, Maialen Ariz, Sofía Pérez de Amezaga and Álvaro Itarte



