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First international congress on Museum Reputation from September 18 to 20

The congress is co-organized by the University, the Museo Nacional del Prado and Corporate Excellence-Centre for Reputation Leadership and will be held at the Museo Universidad de Navarra.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
20/06/19 14:22

The Museo Nacional del Prado, the University of Navarra and Corporate Excellence-Centre for Reputation Leadership are organizing the first International Museum Reputationcongress , which will take place from September 18 to 20 at the Museo Universidad de Navarra. The congress will bring together experts from different countries to expose the keys to the reputation of museum institutions. The event is supported by sponsorship of Fundación Telefónica and Fundación LaCaixa.

Aimed at professionals from museums, theaters and art centers and the public interested in art and museums, the congress comes at a time when the management of reputation and intangible assets has become a topic core topic for the creation of value and the strategic direction of museums. Aware of and committed to this scenario, conference will reflect on the external and internal factors that influence the reputation of museum institutions. Thus, the keys for the management of reputation and the parameters for measuring intangibles will be addressed.

It will be attended by industry professionals such as Mikhail Piotrovsky, director of the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg; Axel Rüger, director of the Royal Academic of Arts in London, who until now had held the position de director of the Van Gogh Museum; Gilles Lipovetsky, French philosopher and writer; and Ricardo Martí Fluxá, president of board of trustees of the Museo Reina Sofía; as well as Jaime García del Barrio, director of the Museo Universidad de Navarra; Miguel Falomir, director of the Museo Nacional del Prado; and Ángel Alloza, CEO of Corporate Excellence-Centre for Reputation Leadership.

The congress will be structured in four thematic blocks. In the first, graduate A 360º turn to the reputation of museums, different meetings will take place, such as a roundtable where it will be debated whether museums are ready to make the public fall in love with them. The second block will highlight the importance of differentiation and innovation in this sector, aspects also linked to reputation. In this block, in addition to the conferences, there will be parallel workshops on differentiation projects.

The third block will be devoted to the keys to good governance, financing and institutional alliances and will analyze the impact of sponsorship on the transfer of reputation from museums to companies. Workshops will also be held on this topic topic. The fourth and last block will reflect on the management of intangibles, through examples of the best museums in the world. In addition, quality parameters and rankings will be discussed and which of the indicators should influence the measurement of the quality of a museum. Workshops will also be organized. The congress will end with a concluding session.



