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Closing ceremony of the Excellence Program 2010/2012 at the University of Navarra

21/06/11 14:06
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Photo: Manuel Castells PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The University of Navarra closed the first course of the Excellence Program 2010/2012, a joint project of the University of Navarra and several educational centers, whose goal is to improve the cultural training of the students of the University of Navarra and their capacity for action in society with a humanistic vision. high school diploma and their capacity for action in society with a humanistic vision. The academic direction of the program corresponded to the School of Philosophy and Letters.

In this edition, around 45 students from four different schools (Irabia, from Pamplona, and Munabe, Gaztelueta and Ayalde, from Bilbao) participated. The aim is for young people to develop skills for university and professional life. In this way, they carry out activities aimed at promoting intellectual maturity; academic, staff and professional excellence; habits of intellectual rigor, dialogue and argumentation, as well as critical capacity and interest in truth, etc.

During the closing workshop , the papers of research that the students prepared during the year were presented before a panel of university professors. The event was also attended by Alejandro Llano, Full Professor of Philosophy; Ignacio Gil, Academic Secretary of School of Philosophy and Letters; and Andrés Muerza, student of high school Irabia and representative of all the students.

Five new Spanish schools are expected to join the program next year, bringing the total number of participating schools to nine.



