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Hermes Graván wins the III national edition of the award Young Tax Professional of the Year of EY Abogados.

The student of Law will compete in Amsterdam for the award world championship, together with participants from 31 other countries.

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21/07/14 15:14 Miguel M. Ariztegi

Hermes Graván, student of Master's Degree of Access to the Legal Profession and Master's Degree in advisory service Tax of School of Law of the University of Navarra has been proclaimed winner of the III Edition of the award Young Tax Professional of the Year organized annually by EYAbogados. award Graván succeeds Beatriz de la network, winner of last year's edition, also a student of Master's Degree in advisory service Tax at the University of Navarra.

The winner of this national edition will now go on to compete in the international edition where they will represent Spain in the final to be held in Amsterdam at the end of the year, where they will have to demonstrate their skills against young people from 31 other countries.

For the moment, he has already been recognized as the best young tax lawyer in Spain and awarded a contract with work at signature as well as 6,000 euros in activities at training.

His work, graduate "Verification of instructions taxable losses" has been the most valued by the members of the jury composed of tax directors of the main companies of the Ibex 35, representatives of the Tax Agency and partners of the Firm.

The other two finalists in the Spanish phase were Francisco Martín and Elena Galán, both students of the Master's Degree in Taxation and advisory service Fiscal of the Centro de programs of study Financieros (CEF). Elena Galán is a graduate in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; while Francisco Martín studied his programs of study at the University of Granada.

For Hermes Graván, "winning a award of this subject is always a recognition of the effort made, and in this case it is especially relevant since it is the only award of this subject in Spain. A award that allows you to join a large multinational signature , at the same time as it introduces you fully into the dynamics of an international competition, in a context in which the future of work is precisely that way".

José Luis Risco, director Human Resources at EY Abogados, is convinced that "Spain is in a good position to face global competition". He also assures that talent is the driving force behind EY's human resources policy, "as evidenced by the forecasts we have for new recruits throughout the year and the professional degree program plans established at a global level, with mobility programs in more than 152 countries, which also ties in perfectly with the global nature of the new generations of tax professionals with concerns and objectives without borders," he points out.

Javier Ortega, director of development of the School Law School of the University of Navarra, thanked EY Abogados for the initiative and for "its commitment to identify and train global tax professionals".

Global final in Amsterdam

The international competition in Amsterdam will take place between November 30 and December 4, where the Spanish representative will have to demonstrate his technical and leadership skills through a series of tests that he will finally present to an international jury composed of tax directors of large multinationals and partners of signature. For this, previously, a partner of EY Abogados will act as a coach and will teach him/her the guidelines to follow in this global part of the competition.

The candidate will have to demonstrate not only their technical knowledge, but also their ability to work in a team, their leadership, their presentation skills in public and, especially, their aptitude to make quick decisions.

The awards of the world edition

The overall winner of the first award will get a 30-day stay in the main offices that signature has in the major economic and financial centers of the world, such as London, Washington and Hong Kong, where he/she will work directly with partners and clients.

The second award consists of participating for 10 days in the professional activities of the tax innovation centers that EY has distributed around the world.

The third award allows the winner attend to attend one of the Global Conferences with clients that signature holds annually. In this forum, the young awardee will be able to meet the main tax directors of large multinationals worldwide under the guidance of the main partners of the Firm.

Finally, the specialaward "Patrick Dibout Inclusive Leadership", named after one of the founding members of the awards, will be awarded. The winner will be chosen from among the applicants themselves, and seeks to recognize the student with the greatest leadership and decision-making capacity. 

Previous editions

Beatriz De la network, student of the Master's Degree in advisory service Fiscal at School of Law of the University of Navarra, and Carlos Ara, student of Master's Degree of specialization in advisory service and management Tributaria of School of Law of ESADE-URL, were the winners in Spain of the two previous editions.

The Spanish representatives did not win, however, the international award , which went to the candidates from France (2013) and Hungary (2012).



