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Students and professors of Education and Psychology may receive the publication Magisterio.

Signed the agreement between the School and Siena, the business editor

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The dean of the School, Concepción Naval and the president of Siena, Áureo Ruiz de Villa, during the signature. PHOTO: Jorge Zorrilla
21/10/15 17:30 Nagore Gil

The School of Education and Psychology and Siena, the business publisher of Magisterio, have signed a agreement by which the students and professors of the School of Education and Psychology will be able to benefit from a free annual subscription to the digital version of the publication. Students will enjoy this subscription during their years of study of Degree or postgraduate program, and will receive the 38 issues of Magisterio digital, 14 monographic supplements, 10 issues of the magazine Padres y Colegios and the yearbook of the Education. 

This agreement was signed by the Dean of the School, Professor Concepción Naval, and the President of Siena, Áureo Ruiz de Villa, on October 14. 



