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Cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Sports Day

16 students from School offered CPR sessions on the occasion of Sports Day 2015

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22/10/15 16:07 Laura Juampérez

Sudden out-of-hospital death is a major public health problem. It is estimated that more than 30,000 cases occur each year in Spain, which is equivalent to a average of 100 deaths per day or one death every 15 minutes. The main cause is cardiac arrest, with a survival rate of less than 10%.

On the occasion of the celebration of the 2015 Sports Day, 16 medical students conducted sessions of training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for all the public who attended the workshop. The main goal was to increase the issue of people able to act in the face of a cardiac arrest in the environment of campus, in addition to raising awareness of the importance of knowing how to set in motion "the chain of survival".

This activity was part of the implementation of Campus Cardioprotegido at the University of Navarra, whose goal is that the largest possible issue of students have the appropriate training in CPR. To this end, emphasis was placed on the EARLY detection of cardiac arrest and the alert to 112. The importance of timing (4-8 minutes neuronal injury) and the correct evaluation of an unconscious person (chin-forehead maneuver, see-look-feel, lateral safety position) was explained. For the theoretical explanation, an A1 size poster with the algorithm of action and a 2x11m Chain of Survival banner from association El ABC que salva vidas (The ABC that saves lives) were placed.

In addition, the simulators were used to teach the correct cardiac massage technique so that participants would lose their fear. Some interested persons received information on how to act in the event of choking (clapping and Heimlich maneuver) and on pediatric first aid.

The main goal of the activity was to disseminate the Chain of Survival and involve more people to be aware of its ability to help and save lives. The workshop, which took place on the occasion of Sports Day, was coordinated by Dr. Diego Reyero and is part of the end of the year work Degree of the Medical student Laura Torres Pallarés.



