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The high school of Registrars and the University promote the research in subject mercantile and real estate through a Chair

The new Chair of Registration Law will be coordinated from the School of Law.

FotoManuelCastells/The University's General Manager , Álvaro Balibrea, shakes hands with the dean of the Registrars of Navarra, Raquel Ortiz de Pinedo, after signing the agreement of partnership.

24 | 06 | 2024

The Registrars of Property, Mercantile and Movable Goods and the University have signed a agreement framework of cooperation for the creation of the Chair of Registry Law. The program, dependent on the School of Law and promoted by the Registry Foundation, will have as goal the development of activities of teaching, research, training and documentation related to the field of real estate and mercantile Registry Law. In this way, it is intended to promote within the university community the knowledge deep degree program around the registry and its social value of public service

The signature of the agreement took place in the hall of Degrees and was attended by the General Manager of the University, Álvaro Balibrea, and the dean of the Registrars of Navarra and co-director of the Chair, Raquel Ortiz de Pinedo Fernández. Also in attendance were the dean of the School of Law, Mercedes Galán; the professor of Civil Law and co-director of the Chair, Luis Javier Arrieta; the Associate Dean of Students of the School of Law, Xabier Basozábal, the former dean of the Registrars of Navarra, Antonio Álvarez; and the director of the Center of programs of study Registrales, Celestino Morín.

One of the fundamental objectives of the Chair is to reinforce the training in Registry Law, both for students of Degree and postgraduate program. The agreement establishes the partnership with the Fundación Registral, dependent on the high school of Registrars of Spain, in different subjects and forums of the School of Law, the training in Foral Law, as well as the participation in forums and seminars of research. In addition, some internships (in the form of shadowing) will be arranged for students of Degree in Law, something that will allow them to be aware of the matters that are worked on in the Land Registries of Navarre. 

In subject of research, publications, articles and scientific material on regulatory changes, trends, or the impact of digitization in the field of Registration Law will be generated, addressing issues of maximum relevance and interest, such as real estate tokenization or blockchain.

The dean of the School of Law, Mercedes Galán, thanked this partnership with the Registral Foundation: "One of the missions of the University of Navarra is to promote a quality research in all areas, in this case, the Registral Law, and to transfer the knowledge for the benefit of the whole society, which is what we sign today with this agreement". Mercedes Galán has highlighted that the Chair will promote the training of our students and "will allow to address the latest trends in this subject, in addition to promoting the research and the programs of study of doctorate".

For her part, the dean of the Registrars of Navarra, Raquel Ortiz de Pinedo, has warned that the launching of the Chair is "a great satisfaction and a wish fulfilled", but at the same time a challenge that shows "the strong commitment to progress in the development of the Mortgage Law from the academic field". Ortiz de Pinedo has emphasized that the goal of the Collective is to "bring the Registry Law closer to the university community, as well as to complement the training of the Registrars with new perspectives coming from the academic field". 




