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"Architecture is the celebration of living in a physical world. Creating around the body, human relationships, feelings and society."

The architect, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, taught three classes at the School.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
23/09/15 18:07 Paula Bayo

The 2014 national architecture award gave three sessions under the degree scroll of "Zodiac" and "A proposal for the Berlin Museum Island" within the cycle "Architecture Lessons". In both talks, Navarro Baldeweg wanted to convey his idea of architecture, a fusion of various arts that make his works unique, a Philosophy that has been evolving throughout his degree program.

Juan Navarro Baldeweg, philosopher of architecture, stands out for his architectural works, such as the Altamira Caves Museum, but his pictorial and sculptural works are also important. Professor at universities such as Yale, Princeton and Harvard, his curriculum includes several awards. The last and most recent was the award National Architecture Award, 2014.

Juan Navarro Baldeweg has worked on several fronts, which has given a certain originality to his work. The transfer, the transition from one artistic practice to another, gives his projects a special value but, as he himself points out, "this does not make my work better or worse, but simply that it is mine".



