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A work on the Legarda service station and another on a footbridge in Switzerland, awarded at the seminar 'Wooden Construction'.

49 students and professionals participated in the activity of the Chair Madera, promoted by the University of Navarra and the Government of Navarra.

24/05/12 13:56
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PHOTO: Courtesy

A work on the service station in Legarda (Navarra) and another on the first Traversina Steg footbridge in Viamala (Switzerland) were awarded prizes at the closing of the first edition of the seminar 'Construction in wood', organized by the Chair Madera of the University of Navarra and the Government of Navarra.

The activity was attended by 26 students from School of Architecture of the academic center, 16 of them from the region, and 23 professionals related to wood construction, 11 from companies in Navarra.

The best project in the Spanish Architecture category was done by Jorge Arbizu from Navarra and Perla Varela from Mexico. They made a detailed analysis of the Legarda service station, a work of AH Asociados, and focused on the proper use of wood and how to improve its durability with the design.

The Ecuadorian Francisco Verdú and the Valencian Pablo Penadés were the authors of the best work in the Foreign Architecture category. It consisted of an analysis of the functioning of the structure of the first Traversina Steg footbridge, as well as the suitability of the species used (larch and Douglas fir) for the work, which is located outdoors.

Five buildings from Navarra
The works were presented during the closing ceremony of seminar, which was held at the Señorío de Bértiz. The participants were the students of School of Architecture José Antonio Tellechea, Xabier Donázar, Elena Garciandía, Santiago Barbero, Leyre García, Enrique Iriso, José María Pastrana, Javier Bermejo, Javier Mugueta, Almudena Redondo, Irantzu Abaurrea, Maider Istúriz, Paula Satrústegui, Pello Iturria, Jokin Lecumberri, Javier Adrián Huerta, Rodrigo Cearra, Francisco José Sastre, Martín Urrutia, Pablo Penadés, Francisco José Verdú, Amaya Sáenz, Felisa María Salazar, Fátima Souto, Sergio Barrera and Rubén García.

The works defended focused on Navarrese constructions such as the Sarbil Restaurant (Echauri), the framework Real Winery (Olite), the Ulzama Golf Club, the Donamaria Tower and the Legarda service station. They also studied the Protos Winery, the teaching Catalunya Infant and Primary School, the technical school Swiss Wood Engineering, the roofing of Expo Hannover 2000, bathing facilities by a lake in Zug (Switzerland), the German Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo and Traversina Steg Bridge (Switzerland) No. 1 and No. 2.



