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The School of Economics signature its first agreement of exchange in India

The Institute of Management and Technology Ghaziabad is located about 19 kilometers from Delhi and is focused on the internationalization of the Economics

25/01/13 09:57

The Institute of Management and Technology Ghaziabad is the first partner of the School of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Navarra in India. It is a destination of great strategic importance, as the Asian country is one of the most important emerging economic powers in the world today.

The Institute of Management and Technology Ghaziabad is located about 19 kilometers from Delhi and 45 kilometers from Indira Gandhi International Airport.

Ghaziabad stands out for its international approach internationalThe Ghaziabad School of Management: every year it receives more than 75 foreign students and 2 out of 5 ITM students leave exchange every year for business schools in other countries. In addition, in recent years, it has opened new campus in the Indian cities of Nagpur e Hyderabadas well as in Dubai (Arab Emirates). Students from the University of Navarra will begin arriving at IMT Ghaziabad in the 2014-2015 academic year.

Offers a program of postgraduate program in Management(post Graduate Diploma in Management) and a program of exchange intensive program (Short term Exchange Program (STEP)). It also has five research centers related to the specific needs of the companies in their process. internationalizationIt also has five centers related to the specific needs of companies in their business process, thus equipping its students with the necessary skills to advise firms wishing to enter the competitive Indian market.

It is a pioneering institution in India and has been positioned in the "Ivy League" of Indian business schools since its foundation in 1980. It also stands out for its sports facilities at campus, which covers more than 6 square kilometers, and has 10 colleges where all its students reside.


Promotional video of IMT Ghaziabad



