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The Associate Dean of research of the School of Education and Psychology, Silver Medal of the University.

Professor Ángel Sobrino will be one of the 129 professionals to receive this recognition for his 25 years at the University work

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25/01/16 11:00 Nagore Gil

What does it mean to receive the Silver Medal of the University?

That for 25 years the institution has put up with me.... Now seriously... working so long in the same business ends up changing you: Angel Sobrino would be, in part, another person.

When Professor Sobrino looks back, what are his feelings?

Apart from the clichés that, by the way, are very true (for example: the vertigo that gives the feeling that time passes very quickly), I have no special feeling out of the expected: a little nostalgia for those who have left, some satisfaction for having completed a stage and a little illusion for what is still to come.

How has the University changed in all this time? Students, teaching, research...

Now I have an assignment related to research, and perhaps I am more sensitive to this area: the Social Sciences, for better or worse, seek to imitate the model of the experimental sciences. This marks, and very much so, the determination of standards (productivity, relevance, impact) and the ways of working (large teams: the idea of the isolated researcher is over). Multidisciplinarity (and therefore partnership between groups of research) is our challenge.

As a teacher, as far as teaching is concerned, in this quarter of a century there has been an unquestionable pedagogical renewal: the masterful class based on notes is a vestige of the past and, in a few years' time, I hope that the masterful class based on power point and pdf will also be a vestige of the past. The idea of the teacher as manager of the selection of contents and designer of "learning scenarios" seems crucial to me, in a context of transversal professional competences (such as decision making in uncertain environments, work in teams, innovation processes...). The most reluctant call all this "Bologna process" and may think that it is a mere problem of "change of names", but the heart of the matter is much more transcendent than it seems.

After so many years among teachers, colleagues, students and professionals, there are many memories and anecdotes. Is there one that has particularly marked you or that you remember with special affection?

The other day I was asked that same question for another interview. I didn't know what to answer, and I don't know what to answer now... I'm not much for anecdotes.

During these 25 years, you have been a spectator of good times and more complicated times for this institution. How do you imagine the University in the next 25 years?

Surely the topic of the health agreement , together with the last attack, have been two of the most complicated moments of these 25 years (at least for those of us who do not have government responsibilities, I suppose that many other things will have happened). Others will come, that is life, but we will move forward: perhaps the University of Navarra will be bigger, or who knows, smaller, but we will try to do things as well as possible.



