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Adolfo Suárez Illana appeals to the spirit of the transition to reach agreements

He gave a session at Amigos Building of the University.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
25/10/19 12:44

Adolfo Suárez Illana visited the University of Navarra to talk about concord, respect for dissent and being able to work for the common good beyond power quotas. President of the Fundación Libertad y Concordia of the PP and member of the Bureau of the congress de los Diputados, Suárez spoke about not being afraid of applying the law to solve problems such as the one in Catalonia and, instead of looking to the past, to know how to look to the future, to a tomorrow that is in the interest of the majority of Spaniards. 

During the session he gave at Amigos Building, Suarez wanted to defend the spirit of the transition, which was led, among others, by his father, the former president Adolfo Suarez. A spirit that materialized in "the embrace of forgiveness given by those who won and those who lost", he said. "If anything astonished the world for the first time, it was how a country that had suffered a Civil War went from a dictatorship to a democracy without breaking a single law". Faced with those who try to distort that spirit today, who say that it was a simulacrum or a reconversion to Francoism itself, Suarez declared: "No grandchild can delegitimize the embrace of his grandparents. (...) Hatred exists. Evil will always be present. When you awaken hatred in a person, reason is evaded. But I think it is a minority".

Asked about the current Law of report Historical , Suarez advocated for a Law of Concord. "The Law of report Historical may have been well-intentioned in its beginnings but it has ended up legitimizing one side against the other." 

"What has happened today to those gentlemen of politics capable of carrying out that embrace of the transition?" Suarez was thus asked from the audience about the inability of current political leaders to reach consensus. "We have to be able to recognize the good that people who are not like us have done", he advised and referred again to his father: "He said he was a bad party leader because he prioritized the agreement with the others before the interests of his acronym".   

"The recipe for transition is as simple as it is complicated. It is necessary to point out a long term common goal deadline and to establish the personal sacrifices we are willing to assume". Suárez Illana recalled that in 1977 the Spaniards had a common goal to which we committed ourselves, which was to achieve a democracy for Spain.



