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Two University of Navarra professors publish a book on cultural pluralism and democracy

Among other topics, it addresses the relationship between democracy and cultural relativism, the public dimension of religions in a state governed by the rule of law and the status of conscientious objection.

06/11/09 09:40
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Two professors from the University of Navarra publish a book on cultural pluralism and democracy. PHOTO:

Ángela Aparisi and María Cruz Díaz de Terán, professors at the School Law School of the University of Navarra, have edited the book Pluralismo cultural y democracia, as part of the Global Law Collection of the publishing house Aranzadi. Among other topics, the book addresses the relationship between democracy and cultural relativism, the public dimension of religions in a State of Law, the relationship between territory and culture, the justice of the predominant notion of citizenship in Western democracies and the status of conscientious objection.

The volume includes contributions from prestigious professors in the field of current legal Philosophy , such as John Finnis (Oxford University) and Francesco Viola (Università degli Studi de Palermo). Researchers from the universities of Teramo, Panamericana de México, Los Andes, Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid), Cádiz and Universidad de Navarra also collaborate.

Ángela Aparisi has a degree and doctorate in Law from the University of Valencia. In 1991 she presented her doctoral thesis on The ideological origins of the American Revolution. Since then, she has held various positions as a magistrate substitute membe of the Provincial Court of Valencia and director of the Unit professor Introduction to Law at the University School of Labor Relations of Valencia. She is a member of the faculty professor of universities such as the Universidad Libre de las Américas and the Universidad del Istmo, in Guatemala. His books include Derecho a la guerra y derecho a la paz en Francisco de Vitoria, Etica y Deontología para juristas or Ciudadanía y persona en la era de la globalización.

María Cruz Díaz de Terán has a degree in Law and a PhD from the University of Navarra. She teaches Theory of Law and sessions at the Master's Degree in Bioethics at the University of Navarra. In recent years she has participated in projects at research and congresses such as Factor religioso, pluralidad de las culturas y tolerancia, at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome; or Derecho e Internet: reflexiones a la luz de la Información de Salud, at the University of La Rioja, among others. Some of his publications are Pluralism and democracy and Law and new Eugenics. Un estudio desde la Ley 35/88 de reproducción asistida.



