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The University brings together a hundred architects from eight countries in an international congress

The XI International congress on the History of Modern Architecture is 20 years old.

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PHOTO: Manuel Castells
27/04/18 15:44 Esperanza Rodés

Nearly one hundred professionals, both national and international, will participate in the XI International XI congress International Conference on the History of Modern Spanish Architecture of the University of Navarra.

Germany, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru are some of the nationalities of the attendees at the congress organized by the School of Architecture under the degree scroll "Technology in modern architecture (1925-1975): myth and reality".

"This edition, which marks 20 years since the beginning of congress, highlights the international will that the event has, and has been so from the beginning," said the School's director , Miguel A. Alonso del Val, during the inauguration.

Alonso underlined the high percentage of papers received: "The variety of speakers speaks of the interest in mixing different visions on the problem of the participation of technology in the construction process of the 20th century, which we inherited in the 21st century".

For his part, Professor José Manuel Pozo, director of congress, reviewed the trajectory of this international meeting . "It began with the intention of paying tribute to the figure of Javier Carvajal. It was then that we discovered that there was a gap on the history of architecture, which we tried to fill by organizing the subsequent editions of congress".

The three characteristics of architecture: strength, beauty and comfort.

"The tectonic sensibility" was the opening lecture, at position by Nottingham University professor Jonhatan Hale. In it he explained the tectonics of architecture "generally defined as the raising of a building into an artistic form"; reflecting on whether it has any role beyond "the attractions of technological aesthetics". He recalled the three characteristics of architecture: firmness, beauty and comfort, as defined by Vitruvius, Julius Caesar's architect.

The International congress organized by the School of Architecture of the University of Navarra at partnership with group Premo, Guardian and the high school Official Architects of Navarra, opened with the exhibition "The brilliant 50". This sample stems from a book, bearing the same name degree scroll, which contains a collection of works by 25 Spanish architects from the 1950s, with the goal aim of understanding what happened in Spanish architecture in the decades following the two wars: the Spanish and the world wars.

The event included 14 lectures, including one by César Ortiz-Echagüe, promoter of the School of Architecture building itself. Also participating were the architect Juan Calatrava and Fritz Neumeyer, who gave the closing lecture lecture .



