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The Chair of Heritage and Navarrese Art of the University of Navarra organizes a course on the heritage of Corella.

120 people interested in culture attended the Centro de Creación Joven of this town in Navarra.

27/08/10 08:57
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Course participants. PHOTO: loaned

The Chair of Heritage and Navarrese Art of the University of Navarra has organized the summer course "Acercar el Patrimonio. Corella". The monograph addressed the knowledge of cultural property and historical and artistic heritage of Corella from the Age average to the twentieth century.

The participants analyzed the events that transformed the city in the Modern Age, with the Building of parishes and convents, noble houses promoted by important lineages, etc. The theoretical sessions were completed with visits to the main monuments of the city, such as the church of San Miguel.

The classes were given at the city's Centro de Creación Joven by specialists from the universities of Navarra and Zaragoza, the Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro and the Sociedad de programs of study Históricos de Navarra.

This course, directed by Professor Ricardo Fernández Gracia, director of the Chair of Heritage and Navarrese Art of the University of Navarra, covered the 120 places available.



