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The Aon Foundation's Chair of Catastrophes in Tecnun expands its activities.

Tecnun will improve system resilience through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques.

28 | 05 | 2024

The Chair Aon Foundation's Catastrophe at Tecnun hasrenewed its agreement of partnership with the goal to work on a model of prediction, intervention and recovery of natural disasters through Artificial Intelligence tools. The signature, which represents an extension of the activities of the Chair of the Aon Foundation at Tecnun, has been sealed by the director of the School, Raúl Antón, and the director General of the Aon Foundation, Pedro Tomey. "The goal of this new line of research is to improve the resilience of systems through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques", explains the director of the Chair Leire Labaka.

It is worth mentioning that the research will be developed in the framework of Matheus Puime's thesis doctoral thesis, directed by the professors of the department of Industrial Organization Engineering Leire Labaka and Josune Hernantes.

As explained by the student of doctorate, Matheus Puime, the main goal of his work is to understand the influence of different variables on the economic losses generated as a result of a catastrophe. "This approach will be applied taking into account the climatic changes that will occur in Spain in the coming years," he says.  

Puime also notes that research will provide a model that estimates the potential economic losses that may be suffered following a natural disaster, as well as recommendations on actions and measures to be implemented to increase resilience and reduce costs.  

For his part, Pedro Tomey, director General Manager of the Aon Foundation, points out that "it is essential to have disaster prediction, intervention and recovery models that enable risk managers to improve disaster preparedness, prevent future impacts and mitigate damage as far as possible". 



