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Tantaka in 10 actions

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PHOTO: Courtesy of CORE
More than 1,500 volunteers, including teachers, employees and students, have collaborated in different campaigns of 82 associations in Pamplona. Chus Cantalapiedra

It is 10 a.m. on the last Thursday of May. A few weeks ago, Tantaka, the University's Solidarity Time Bank, moved to its new headquarters, next to the Central Building. A team of three people works there to assist volunteers and associations. The phone has rung six times in little more than an hour at workshop.

Acodifna's mobility Reduced Day, the conference of the Donor, the collection of sneakers on World Olympics Day, the Day of Families in the Citadel or the Great Collection of the Food Bank are some of the campaigns they are working with. 

Between calls and e-mails, students come to say goodbye or to close their summer plans, in Pamplona, in Spain or abroad. University classes are over, but the commitment never rests. It does not understand season, nor does it understand place. "Your life is worth what your commitments are worth." So said war reporter Miguel Gil, days before he was killed in an ambush in Sierra Leone. This same phrase was picked up by Tantaka on his Facebook profile .

And the 1,526 volunteers, 300 more than last year, and the 82 associations that have collaborated with Tantaka this year are well aware of their commitments. They are the real protagonists of the 10 actions that have been carried out during this year academic year:

  1. conference Welcome ReceptionIn order to welcome the students and introduce them to the different activities and initiatives for students at the University, Tantaka took the opportunity to inform them about the different options of volunteer activities and training courses.

  2. workshop of employment and DisabilityThe Confederación de Empresarios de Navarra (CEN), the "Juntos somos capaces" program of Fundación Mapfre and the University organized this workshop of employment and Disability. During the event, cases of good practices were explained and there was a roundtable where companies and people with disabilities shared their experiences with the employment with Support.

  3. Solidarity Study OlympiadThe University obtained 37,412 euros in the XII edition of this activity in which 2,074 students from the campus of Pamplona and San Sebastián participated. This is a campaign in which the students, when they went to Library Services, wrote down the time spent studying and, subsequently, the sponsors converted each hour of study into one euro, in order to finance the construction of a Higher Technical School in Hinche (Haiti).

  4. Christmas CampaignTantaka collected 340 toys and 2,000 kilos of food and clothing during the Christmas Campaign, held from December 4 to 17 at the University.

    The food was delivered to the residency program of Hermanitas de los Pobres (Pamplona) and to needy families in Cuba. The clothes were distributed to different parishes in Pamplona, through Cáritas Parroquial, and the baby clothes were given to association Andevi.

  5. Course volunteer activities Social: It was held over six sessions in January. It counted with the participation of 30 volunteers who collaborate in the different solidarity projects of Tantaka. The course covered topics of human and social interest such as care for the sick or elderly, immigration, poverty or social integration.

  6. Cooperation course at development: With the aim of learning about the major shortcomings faced by many developing countries development. This program provided the 33 participants with an overview of cooperation with development.

  7. Training Cycle to Understand DisabilityMore than 300 people participated in the different sessions of the Cycle. Four perspectives on disability were offered: from the field of law, Education, medicine and family. For this purpose, the following people participated in the sessions: Rafael de Lorenzo, professor of Labor Law and University Secretary of the committee General of the ONCE; José Iribas, counselor of Education of the Government of Navarra; Rocío Sánchez-Carpintero, specialist in Neuropediatrics of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra; and Felisa Peralta, full professor of department of Education of the University.

  8. Day of the volunteer activitiesMore than 300 people participated, including volunteers and professionals from different associations in Pamplona. With this initiative, Tantaka wanted to show its gratitude to the 1,000 volunteers, including students, teachers, employees and citizens of Pamplona; as well as to the 82 Navarre associations with which they have collaborated throughout the course; and to the University services in which people with disabilities do internships through the Tantaka Inclusion program.

  9. Association campaigns: With the motto "helping those who help" as its banner, Tantaka has collaborated with numerous association campaigns throughout the course: looking for volunteers and supporting their dissemination. Some of them are: Recogida pro Cuba, Recogida de alimentos Don Álvaro del Portillo (September and May), Bolígrafos por Dravet, exhibition 50 años de Manos Unidas, exhibition "La Crisis Humanitaria en Oriente Medio en imágenes: discapacidad en Primer Plano", Collection of association Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC), March against Cancer (AECC), degree program solidaria ANFAS, workshop mobility Universal de ACODIFNA, Fiesta de la Familia (CONCAPA), Día del Donante (Alcer), Marcha Ciclista contra el Cáncer Infantil, Red Cross Flag Day, Parkinson's Day (ANAPAR), Christmas Concert (Children against Cancer), Great Collection of November and May (Food Bank), Javierada school and Clothing Collection (Mother Courage) ....

  10. Donations from entities to associations with which Tantaka collaborates. Tantaka is a solidarity time bank, it does not collect or offer money to associations. But there have been some banking entities that have made donations to associations or projects in which Tantaka has collaborated with volunteers and in the dissemination of their projects. Among them:

  • Caja Rural donated 3,000 euros for the rehabilitation of dilapidated housing promoted by Cáritas and the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura.

  • La Caixa subsidizes the basketball team of young people at risk of social exclusion with 7,000 euros.

  • The chaplains of Schools of Economics, Law and Communication donated the collection of the degree day (2,630 euros) for a project of water channeling in orphanages in Equatorial Guinea, through Sonage.



