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The University holds a charity gala for the rehabilitation of housing in the Autonomous Community of Navarre

Organized by the committee International Office of International Office, the quotation is part of a program of solidarity actions that began on November 13.

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12/02/14 16:51 Alberto Bonilla

The committee International of International Office of the University of Navarra and Tantaka will celebrate tomorrow in the School of Communication the charity gala 'Random Acts of Kindness' (RAK), in which all the benefits will be destined to the solidarity project that Tantaka maintains with Cáritas for the reconstruction of houses in bad condition in Navarra.

The gala, which will begin at 18:30h. at School de Comunicación, will feature a wide variety of "pintxos" prepared by five restaurants belonging to the "association gastronomic Reyno de Navarra": Alhambra, Beti Jai, Maher, Enekorri and Castillo de Gorraiz will provide the "pintxos"; Bodegas Inurrieta, Quesos Roncal and Coca-Cola have donated drinks and food. At 19:00h. the associations Paris 365, Tantaka, ACOES Navarra con Honduras, Cruz Roja Navarra and Fundación Profesionales Solidarios will explain to the attendees their work and future projects.          

The cost of the entrance to the gala is 5 euros. The RAK is celebrated in many universities around the world; its goal is promote acts of solidarity. The activities started last November 13; from that day until tomorrow, February 13, different solidarity projects have been supported.

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