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The School of Education and Psychology, present at congress Project Zero Perspectives

Professor Sonia Lara and doctoral student Marina Cuadra give a workshop on the culture of thought in the classroom

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PHOTO: Esperanza Rodés
29/10/18 13:35 Esperanza Rodés

Sonia Lara and Marina Cuadra, professor and doctoral candidate at School of Education and Psychology, gave a workshop on the congress "Project Zero Perspectives, Understanding for a complex world"organized by the high school Irabia-Izaga together with the School of Education of Harvard University on October 26th and 27th.

The workshop had as goal to learn how to develop thinking cultures in the classroom, performing comprehension performances that promote reasoning and reflective capacity. To this end, the professor and doctoral student showed a series of videos of real cases in which they tried to identify good practices that promote quality interaction between the teacher and the student.

Nearly 700 professionals from the Education, national and international, attended the event that took place at the University of Navarra Museum, where lectures were given by international experts such as David Perkins, co- director of Harvard Project Zero, Veronica Boix and Ron Ritchhart, also researchers at the same center.



