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In the shoes of... Bea Abad


02 | 02 | 2024


If you thought you were the only one who put on "Hall of fame" to motivate yourself, let us introduce you to Bea. A 4th year student of Pedagogy and Education Primary, from Logroño, in love with her land and a first class reader, we talked to her to tell us about her experience at high school Juan de Palafox (Fitero, Navarra), where this summer she participated in a project of volunteer activities with Maghrebi children so they wouldn't lose the Spanish they learned during the course. She explains how those months were, while we get to know her better... and try to understand why she likes the cold so much.

1. Tell us a little about your work at high school. What was the daily routine like?
Our goal was that they did not lose the Spanish they had been learning during the course of the three months of summer. It was like a Spanish camp. No flashcards, no classes, everything was done through games and activities.

2. What do they appreciate the most?
Trust. It was hard for them to open up, but the fact of telling them "I trust you, you can do it" was enough for them to trust you. At the beginning they were tough, or became defensive when we corrected them, but little by little they understood that we were there to help them and they appreciated that a lot. 

3. And you, what have you learned from them?
I have taken away any prejudices I might have had about the Moroccan population. I also learned a lot about conflict resolution.

4. Favorite corner of the world
My maternal grandmother's house. It is my refuge.

5. What about campus?
The classroom next to the classroom Magna, because of everything I have experienced with the University Choir.

6. Pereza or El Canto del Loco?
Neither; I'm more of the Movida. Of Mecano.

7. Something that inspires you
The books and stories I read, because of the fascinating worlds and characters they have.

8. The best thing about winter?
The cold. I love wearing a thousand layers and plans for a movie, blanket and hot chocolate.

9. Best plan you've ever made in your life
A two-month internship at high school in Utah, USA. It was amazing.

10. Song, book and movie?
Hall of fame, by The Script; Letter from a stranger, by Stefan Zweig; and Mona Lisa's smile.

11. Favorite athlete of all time?
Rafa, clearly.

12. A hobby?
I would have to say both: books and music. 

13. What do you miss most about your homeland?
The landscape of La Rioja.

14. Current person you would have coffee with?
With Michelle Obama.

15. Favorite Disney character?
Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I think because of my obsession with the books.

16. Olympic Games or Eurocup?
Olympic Games. Soccer when there is a World Cup. 

17. Frozen or Tangled?
Tangled. It's great. 



