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In the shoes of... Javier Cruzado


15 | 01 | 2024


Javier Cruzado is very clear that Theology is not for a few. Not even for a few. Theology, he says, "is made for everyone".

Alicantino, sevillista, and with a Madrid prognosis in Liga, today we put ourselves in his shoes so that he can explain what a kid like him is doing studying the Diploma of Theology at the University and how he combines it with his 2nd bilingual ADE + Diploma in Finance and Accounting.

1. Why did you decide to study Diploma in Theology?
Because I believe that, just as other universities prepare you professionally, the University of Navarra also prepares you personally. And the Diploma in Theology seemed good to me to enrich my training staff and spirituality.

2. And what is it giving you?
A broad way of seeing and thinking about things. In the end, theology is closely linked to Philosophy. I am learning many things that, otherwise, with my degree program, I would not be acquiring.

3. How do you combine it with ADE?
It is a matter of organization. In addition, the Diploma adapts to you. That is to say, you choose the subjects you want, the ones that adapt to the schedule of your degree program.

4. Let's get to know you more personally. What is the best thing about your land?
The sea.

5. Perfect menu?
A good stew, cheeks, and pineapple or torrijas.
And would you drink it with...?
Coca-cola or beer.

6. Song, book and movie?
Venice Without You by Charles Aznavour, Capital by Karl Marx, and Life is Beautiful. ideal?
Entrepreneur. I like the world of finance, fashion, and I would love to dedicate myself to it. 

8. A motto?
The phrase I have in my room, probably: "Get out of bed". 

9. What topic would you talk about for hours?
The meaning of life and love. They are such complex subjects, with so many points of view... I would be there for hours.

10. Has anyone at the University left a mark on you?
Don Gregorio Guitián, Dean of the School of Theology, who was also the one who encouraged me to study at Diploma. 

11. Celebrity you admire?
Jordan Peterson. 

12. This League will be won by...
Real Madrid.
The interview was going well...
No, I'm a Sevilla fan, but I believe it. 

13. Best gift you ever got?
The shirt my grandfather gave me for my 18th birthday. It was beautiful. 

14. Favorite Disney character?
Lightning McQueen. An idol.

15. Favorite spot in the world?
The island of La Toja, perhaps.



