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Students of the University of Navarra, parliamentarians for a day

More than a hundred students from Education debated on democracy in the Plenary Hall of the Regional Legislature.

31/01/11 09:22
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Students during the workshop PHOTO: Manuel Castells

The first year students of Degrees in Education Infant, Education Primary, Pedagogy and double degrees (Pedagogy + Education Infant or Education Primary) of the University of Navarra staged a plenary session of the Executive Council around 'what is and what characterizes a democracy'. To this end, they were divided into 11 commissions of work, with the goal to reflect on three issues: democracy, keys to citizen participation and the contribution of a university student.

The representatives of each committee then explained their conclusions to the rest of the participants and to the presiding table, made up of Professor Concepción Naval and representatives of the course.

After concluding that citizen participation is "a right and a civic duty", Concepción Naval adjourned the session, but not before underlining the "great social awareness" shown by the university students during the course of discussion.

The activity, part of the 'Civic Parliament' initiative, aims to bring public institutions closer to young university students so that, by learning about their functioning and methods of work, they can acquire a greater civic awareness.

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