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More than 800 researchers from 50 countries are doing their doctoral studies at the University this year thesis

130 students participate in the I workshop Welcome to Doctoral Students at the academic center.

FotoManuelCastells/The University of Navarra celebrates the I workshop de Bienvenida a Doctorandos.

31 | 10 | 2024

The University of Navarra has celebrated the I Welcome to Doctoral Students workshop , a quotation in which about 130 researchers have participated. This academic year 2024-2025, 830 students, 520 Spanish and 310 from other countries, will carry out their doctoral thesis in the academic center, although the period of enrollment is still open.

The students come from 50 countries, including Chile, Poland, Italy, Guatemala, Mexico, the United States, India, China, Pakistan, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe, among others.

The I workshop Welcome to Doctoral Students was attended by president, María Iraburu, who dedicated a few words to the researchers: "The thesis is a call to knowledge, aimed at daring and adventurous people. It is a path to unknown limits, full of uncertainty, and a great opportunity for growth staff and professional growth". 

Also, the workshop included a roundtable with Paloma Grau, Vice President of research and Sustainability, who encouraged them to continually remember the reasons that led them to do the thesis ; and with the director of the School of doctorate, the professor of the School of Sciences Javier Burguete, who stressed the need to work and move by passion to his work to transmit it to the rest.

The event continued with the intervention of Jesús San Miguel, award Nacional de research and former director medical of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra. According to the expert, the requirements to progress in the research are "curiosity, determination and the desire to do better". The event ended with a colloquium with professors and doctoral students from different academic centers.



