José María Pardo, Professor of Theology
The Church takes a gamble
Tomorrow begins the XIV Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops of the Catholic Church, which has as topic "The vocation and the mission statement of the family in the Church and in the contemporary world". Marriage and the family in our century are a picture of light and shadow.
Cere are certainly weaknesses, which should be diagnosed in order to try to heal them as best as possible. I am referring to the poor evangelization of many Christian marriages; to the growing affective immaturity, selfishness and inability to maintain the promised fidelity, or to solve the problems of cohabitation that many people are experiencing; to the strong environmental pressure of selfishness without solidarity, hedonism-materialism and the paganization of customs; to the depreciation of the birth rate: with unwanted, "à la carte" or eliminated children. These situations are the fruit of a distancing from the Church, or they produce it.
But marriage and the Christian family also have strengths and attractions that should be recognized and promoted. I am referring to the beautiful Christian message about the marital union; to the family as the realm of human love and the value of life; and the strength to heal in Christ with God's grace and mercy.
Many eyes will be on Rome in the coming weeks. The Church and the world have much at stake. Let us pray that the Synod, guided by the Holy Spirit and closely united to the Holy Father, will be able to bring light and hope to families.