Baroque houses and palaces in the Baztan Valley
Estebecorena or Istecorena House, Elizondo
It was the Mendinueta-Múzquiz family estate. From the marriage of Juan Martín Mendinueta and Mª Josefa Múzquiz, which took place in 1734, several children were born who were incorporated with great success to "la hora navarra", thanks to the academic training received and, above all, to the support obtained from their maternal uncle, Miguel Múzquiz y Goyeneche, who occupied the Universal Office of Finance between 1766 and 1785. Thus Juan Miguel, was oidor in the Chancillería de Valladolid, prosecutor of the committee de Órdenes and governor of the committee de Castilla. Pedro Simón rendered his services to the Crown in Cádiz and New Spain, combining it with his own business. Jerónimo acceded to the Councils of the Treasury, the Indies, the Inquisition and the committee of State, where his brother Pedro also served, obtaining the degree scroll of Count of La Cimera in 1795. Finally Pedro was named Viceroy of Nueva Granada in 1795, where he remained until 1803. Antonio Vicente and Joaquín Santiago dedicated themselves to religious life in the cathedral of Pamplona. Any of the aforementioned brothers or even Pedro Felipe, who remained as owner of the house and was administrator of the royal tobacco rent of Elizondo and alderman of the valley, could have paid for the reconstruction of the house, which followed the designs given by the French architect José Poudez, contracted in 1776. The building has a central wall crowned by a triangular pediment, flanked by two slightly forward bodies. Its façade between marbled stone pilasters and the balcony on the main floor, on which the coat of arms of academic taste stands out.
GARCÍA GAÍNZA, M. C. and others, Catalog Monumental de Navarra. V*. Merindad de Pamplona, Pamplona, Government of Navarre-Archbishopric of Pamplona-University of Navarre, 1994, pp. 285-422.
ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., "La arquitectura señorial de Navarra y el espacio doméstico durante el Antiguo Régimen" in GARCÍA GAINZA, M. C. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., Casas señoriales y palacios de Navarra. Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro, nº 4, Pamplona, 2009, Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro, pp. 219-263.
ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., "Virreyes, títulos nobiliarios y casas solares en las tierras baztanesasas del Bidasoa" in FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. (ed.), Pulchrum: scripta varia in honorem Mª Concepción García Gainza, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2011, pp. 84-95.
ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., "La arquitectura civil" in FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. (coord..), El arte del barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2014, pp. 57-106.