
Parish Church of the Assumption of Lerín


The organ

Next to the choir, in a tribune situated at the same height on the Gospel side, is the organ. Dating from 1738, the design is the work of the organ builder Joseph de Lesaca from Lleida. The case, made of pine wood and polychromed in red, blue, gold and brown, is articulated in twelve castles which house the pipes known as canons. Characteristic is the typically Iberian two- and three-tiered horizontal or artillery trumpetwork, and the contrasting pipes with painted faces. Very little remains of the 18th century instrument, since in 1859 part of it was replaced by Manuel López de Cardiñanos de Briones (La Rioja). After the damage suffered in the Carlist War, it was repaired again in 1879 and in the middle of the 20th century it finally fell silent while awaiting a suitable restoration to restore the instrument to its former splendour.


The organ


  • FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R, El retablo barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Government of Navarre, 2002.

  • GARCÍA GAINZA, M.C. and others, Catalog Monumental de Navarra, II**. Merindad de Estella, Pamplona, Government of Navarra, 1983.

  • GARNICA, A. AND ONA, J.L. (coords.), Lerín. Historia, naturaleza, arte, Lerín, Lerín Town Council, 2010.

  • TARIFA CASTILLA, M.J., "La iglesia parroquial de Lerín: ejemplo excepcional de arquitectura manierista en Navarra", Príncipe de Viana, 246, 2009, pp. 7-40.
