
Baroque houses and palaces in the Baztan Valley


Iriartea House, Erratzu

This house, which has the same architectural structure as the Reparacea de Oieregi and Subiza palaces, as well as the Gastón de Iriarte de Irurita house, was the first construction to develop this type of tower in the area. It was erected between 1754 and 1755 by Pedro José Gastón de Iriarte y Elizacoechea, who, despite a promising military degree program , returned to his native house when he was elected heir to the plot. Given his youth at that time, it is probable that to carry out this business he received money from some relatives installed in the high spheres of the army and the Church, such as his uncles Miguel Gastón de Iriarte, a prominent businessman settled in Madrid, and Martín de Elizacoechea, bishop of Durango and Valladolid de Michoacán (New Spain) or his own brothers: Juan Javier, canon of the cathedral of Toledo, and Miguel José, who became lieutenant general of the Royal Navy, commander of the Royal Companies of Marine Guards and captain general of the department of Cartagena. Two towers of four heights flank a three-level frontispiece crossed by balconies. The central axis, of great classicism, is marked by a linteled door between Tuscan columns, above which there is a linteled opening between pilasters and coats of arms on the main floor, crowned with another door-balcony topped by a triangular pediment.


Iriartea House, Erratzu


  • GARCÍA GAÍNZA, M. C. and others, Catalog Monumental de Navarra. V*. Merindad de Pamplona, Pamplona, Government of Navarre-Archbishopric of Pamplona-University of Navarre, 1994, pp. 285-422.

  • ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., "La arquitectura señorial de Navarra y el espacio doméstico durante el Antiguo Régimen" in GARCÍA GAINZA, M. C. and FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R., Casas señoriales y palacios de Navarra. Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro, nº 4, Pamplona, 2009, Chair de Patrimonio y Arte navarro, pp. 219-263.

  • ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., "Virreyes, títulos nobiliarios y casas solares en las tierras baztanesasas del Bidasoa" in FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. (ed.), Pulchrum: scripta varia in honorem Mª Concepción García Gainza, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2011, pp. 84-95.

  • ANDUEZA UNANUA, P., "La arquitectura civil" in FERNÁNDEZ GRACIA, R. (coord..), El arte del barroco en Navarra, Pamplona, Gobierno de Navarra, 2014, pp. 57-106.
