
Façade of Pamplona Cathedral


The controversy of the capitals

The concision of Ventura Rodríguez's design meant that a multitude of details had to be interpreted by his executor, Santos Ángel de Ochandátegui. This was taken advantage of by other local master builders and even by his subordinates to harshly criticise the way in which he was directing the work. In 1790, complaints about the mutilation he had to carry out on the Corinthian capitals in order to place them on the columns aroused the distrust of the chapter. Behind these attacks were hidden envy and resentment towards a foreign architect whose worth had led him to win the main commissions of the time. It was not project or its new language that was being questioned, but its executor. The recognition of the works in 1791 by Manuel Martín Rodríguez, Director of architecture at the Academy and nephew of Ventura Rodríguez, allayed the town council's fears and Ochandátegui continued to be in charge of the works until their completion in 1800. The same did not happen with the project water supply, as criticism turned to persecution and insults, to the point of suspending the works for a few years.


View of the capitals
View of the capitals
Photo: The cathedral of Pamplona, CAN


GOÑI GAZTAMBIDE, José, "La fachada neoclásica de la catedral de Pamplona", in Príncipe de Viana, nos. 118 and 119 (1970), pp. 5-64.

GUIJARRO SALVADOR, Pablo, "Memoriales, impresos e insultos contra Santos Ángel de Ochandátegui, director del project de nueva fachada", in Cuadernos de la Chair de Patrimonio y Arte Navarro, nº 1, 2006, pp. 109-131. (in press).

LARUMBE MARTÍN, María, "Neoclassicism", in La catedral de Pamplona, Pamplona, CAN, 1994, vol. II, pp. 75-89.

MOLINS MUGUETA, José Luis, "Ventura Rodríguez y el Academicismo en Navarra", in El Arte en Navarra, Pamplona, Diario de Navarra, 1994, t. II, pp. 529-544.

YÁRNOZ LARROSA, José, Ventura Rodríguez y su obra en Navarra, Madrid, Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando, 1944.
