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"In audiovisual narrative there is a humanistic background."

María Noguera, researcher at the School of Communication, coordinates the new research group 'Narrative and Audiovisual Aesthetics'.

PhotoManuelCastells/Pablo Echart, María Noguera and María del Rincón, researchers of the group.

03 | 02 | 2025

The audiovisual is the reflection of oneself in the world. The narration, the image or the development of the characters of audiovisual products has a great transcendence in the contemporary world. Analyzing their interrelation, characterized by a solid humanistic tradition, is the goal of the new research group 'Narrative and Audiovisual Aesthetics', which is part of the department of Culture and Audiovisual Communication of the School of Communication.

"This new group responds to a tradition of research that has been carried out in the department for a long time. What we now have in common is an inheritance that we have all received as doctoral students and now as researchers and teachers," says María Noguera, coordinator of the group. "Most of us have been trained in the study of stories in a broad sense, in different genres and formats; some in fiction, others in non-fiction, but all of us have ended up in the study of audiovisual narratives, in which there is a humanistic background".

For this reason, the group arises as an opportunity to "put in dialogue everything we have researched individually and the tradition we share". It is also made up of School of Communication professors Pablo Castrillo, Efrén Cuevas, María del Rincón, Pablo Echart, Lourdes Esqueda, Alberto García and Marta Frago.

One of the objectives of this group is to highlight the value of the study on audiovisual products. "According to the association for Media research , Spanish citizens spend more than 3 hours a day consuming films and television," says María del Rincón, researcher of the group. "We consume more and more audiovisual content. Hybridizations are on the agenda and genres are expanding". 

Beyond the anthropological content contained in the audiovisual narratives, the group 's researchers also seek to give relevance to the artistic form that underlies them: "Not only what is told or why it is told, but how the audiovisual narrative is expressed. The way in which the stories are told financial aid us to understand the background," concludes María Noguera. 

The group aims to ensure that, in addition to the research results, the results have an impact on teaching, whether theoretical, historical, critical or internship application, such as the teaching of audiovisual writing, to which several members of the group are dedicated.



