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Mahler's 2nd sounds in Pamplona at the Solidarity Concert of University Students

Maestro Pírfano conducted this concert in Baluarte for charity purposes, organized by the high school Mayor Belagua

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The Orquesta Reino de Aragón, the Orfeón Donostiarra, the soprano Carmen Solís and the mezzo-soprano María José Montiel perform Mahler's 2nd symphony in Baluarte. PHOTO: Manuel Castells
04/03/19 12:07 David Sanchís

Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 2 in C minor has sounded in Pamplona, in the Solidarity Concert of the University Students, organized by the high school Mayor Belagua. Maestro Íñigo Pírfano has conducted in Baluarte the Orquesta Reino de Aragón and the Orfeón Donostiarra, in a performance that has counted with the renowned voices of the soprano Carmen Solís and the mezzo-soprano María José Montiel.

Pírfano, director of choir and orchestra, has underlined the importance that the solidarity dimension of this concert has had for him: "The fact that it has been thought from its origins to support the most vulnerable people gives more sense to what I do". In addition, for him it has had "a special meaning" because of his links with Navarra, since his father, Pedro Pírfano, was director of the Orfeón Pamplonés between 1960 and 1967. For this reason, he has tried to offer "a heartfelt, profound interpretation that transforms hearts and makes us find answers, as Mahler always wanted with his music".

For her part, mezzo-soprano María José Montiel said she was "enormously happy" to have participated in a "wonderful" project organized by students who "deserve all the support and a huge applause from the bottom of their hearts".

This solidarity concert has been an initiative of university students of the high school Mayor Belagua for the benefit of the CORE Foundation, which works for the integration of immigrant families in Navarra. It has counted with the partnership of more than twenty-five entities, including the City Council of Pamplona and the Obra Social Fundación La Caixa. The collegiate of Belagua José Rodríguez explained, during the brief presentation that has given way to the concert, that this event wants to respond to "one of the founding purposes of the Belagua", which is "to promote the development of immigrant families in Navarra. high school Mayor Belagua", which is "to try to be a focus of cultural life in the university community and in the society in which it is inserted.



