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Carmen Basanta and Diego de la Chica are the representatives of the School of Education and Psychology.

Interview with the new delegate and assistant student representative

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PHOTO: Esperanza Rodés
09/10/18 15:05 Esperanza Rodés

Carmen Basanta, student of the 6th year of the Double Degree in Pedagogy and Education Elementary Schooland Diego de la Chica, a third year student of Psychologybecame last September the delegate and subdelegate of the School. This interview gathers the objectives they have set for this year, as well as their aspirations.

 What made you decide to run for delegate?

C: I applied because I am passionate about people, listening to their projects and dreams. I have been fortunate that the ones I have taken forward over the years have been supported and empowered in an unparalleled way by my colleagues and teachers. I could not be more grateful. Ever since a teacher in 1st grade asked me that question that revolutionized my head for years, "Who are you? Growing, thanks to people.

The intangible heritage that I will take with me from Navarra is so great that I cannot leave without, within my possibilities, lending myself to be at the service of my colleagues. I encourage them to make the most of this stage, to ask themselves questions and to love knowledge. That they combine study with other activities: discussion club, sports, volunteer activities... that they make friends in other Schools, that they debate with teachers. We are a School with people with enormous potential and we need to be reminded of it.

D: I had not planned to run as a delegate; but seeing that there were only nominations from the Degrees of Education, I thought it would be best if there was also some representation from Psychology, which is why we are School of Education and Psychology. Besides, it seems to me a perfect way to refund all that the School and my class have given me.

What are you interested in?

C: Bearing in mind that I am graduating in eight months, my interests begin to project into the future. On the one hand, I would love to do a thesis on the pedagogical aspects that architects should take into account so that people who work or study in schools, develop all their potential and, in addition, could know the beauty and in final, the truth, through those spaces. And who knows... building that high school would be a dream! On the other hand, I am very concerned that society does not know who an educator is or what an educator does. Encouraged by some teachers, some of us students are starting to see ways to create an official high school . It is necessary in Spain to consider Education as an urgently needed topic and to establish a fixed instructions of work on which to build a quality Education .

And of course, I can't stop saying it: There would be nothing more wonderful than to be able to work at my university. Who wouldn't like to work at home, for their own?

D: I am interested in too many things, in general, everything that has to do with the human being and his way of functioning, of creating art and beauty, of being able to do the worst of evils and the best of goods, of feeling so many things, even if they are contradictory. At final, of all that he is capable of despite being the "most useless" of all animals in relation to evolution... More specifically we could talk about micro gestures or the ability to withstand pain and frustration.

What objectives would you like to achieve as a delegate of the School?

C: I would love it if this year we could create a real feeling of "pineapple" among all the students at School. We have so much to contribute and know so little about each other. We are working on several ideas, but we are open to any proposal.

I would also love for those of us graduating this year to feel that we have explored all the possibilities for next year. It makes me uneasy when I hear bright people with great ideas say, "I have no idea what I'm going to do next year". We want to spread the possibilities of information and training that we offer from the School in terms of employment opportunities. We also want to create the necessary opportunities so that we all get to the end being aware of who we are and where we want to go.

D: Things grow when everyone gets involved, when you go in the same direction; that's why I ran for delegate, for the simple goal reason of achieving more unity among the students that make up the Degrees of the School. Let everyone know that they can contribute in one way or another. We would like to organize talks, sessions, round tables... for small minorities such as those interested in forensic, sports, or prison psychology, among others; in the case of psychology students. And for those of Education, specialized topics in some difficulties such as learning of children with Down Syndrome, immigration, social exclusion, etc.

Why did you decide to study your degree program?

C: I have always been fascinated by spaces, art, fabrics, color, light and how through material things can be made transcendentally beautiful. That's why, since I was a child, it was very clear to me that I wanted to study fashion. However, in the first year of high school diploma I was in a field of work in Romania, where I realized that before beauty, there is the person, and this was a great unknown to me. My sister Blanca encouraged me to take the tests of Admissions Office to the University of her dreams, for a double Degree that, according to her, "I was a great fit". As the years have gone by, I see that the threads of interest were not so loose. For, above all, as a boarding student and thanks to my teachers, I have had the opportunity to understand man and learn about the pedagogy of beauty.

D:It's quite a long story, so, in a nutshell: for helping people in need on different levels, especially children. Also, I know that the pain of losing a friend, a family member or someone close to me is something much worse than physical pain; despair or discouragement than anything else. My goal is to be able to help those who suffer the most, either by misunderstanding themselves or others, the pain they have had or are still suffering.



