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Published the volume "Prosas y versos de Tirso de Molina", edited by Blanca Oteiza

It is volume 23 of the series "Publications of the Institute of programs of study Tirsianos".

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Blanca Oteiza is the administrative assistant of the Institute of Aurisecular programs of study (IET) PHOTO: Manuel Castells
15/02/16 14:32

The Institute of programs of study Tirsianos (IET), which is part of the group of research Siglo de Oro(GRISO) of the University of Navarra, has recently published the 23rd volume of its series of publications, graduate Prosas y versos de Tirso de Molina and coordinated by Blanca Oteiza. partnership The book is the result of a collaboration with the Laboratoire de l'Arc Atlantique (EA 1925) of the Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, an institution with which the IET maintains a productive and ongoing relationship.

Prosas y versos de Tirso de Molina (Madrid / New York, Instituto de programs of study Auriseculares / Instituto de programs of study Indianos 2015, ISBN: 978-1-938795-04-6) collects fourteen articles on the prose work, poetry and theater of the Mercedarian: Nathalie Dartai and Laura Dolfi deal with the miscellanies Cigarrales de Toledo and Deleitar aprovechando, and Luis Vázquez with Historia general del Orden de Nuestra Señora de las Mercedes; Paloma Fanconi and Blanca Oteiza, with the role of poetry inserted in the novels Los triunfos de la verdad and La patrona de las musas del Deleitar aprovechando.

His theater is also being studied from new and updated perspectives: skill author versus poet (Isabel Ibañez), the poetics of reading The feigned Arcadia (Naïma Lamari) or the rewriting of This is what it means to negotiate (Carola Sbriziolo); the name and its poetics (Philippe Meunier) or the ethics and aesthetics of insults (Isabelle Bouchiba); characters, from the don Juan (Felipe Pedraza) to Achilles (Enrique Rull), and dramatic motifs around jealousy (Ana Suarez), or the palatial spaces of village and palace (Francisco Sáez Raposo) complete these pages.

This publication is part of the project Edición crítica del teatro completo de Tirso de Molina. Cuarta fase, reference letter FFI2013-48549-P, of the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, directed by Blanca Oteiza, administrative assistant of the Instituto de programs of study Auriseculares (IET).



