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The University launches a new diploma in Archaeology for the 2018-2019 academic year.

The program is offered together with Degree in History to respond to the profile archaeologist and historian of Antiquity demanded by society.

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Students at an archaeological excavation PHOTO: Courtesy
16/01/18 10:17

The University of Navarra launches from the next academic year 2018-2019 a diploma in Archaeology that is articulated as pathway parallel to Degree in History. Students will have several electives on methodology and techniques of research, museology, epigraphy, numismatics, information systems and management of heritage.

They will also participate continuously during the four years in the activities of laboratory of Archaeology of the School of Philosophy and Letters, and from the summer of the second year they will be able to carry out internships in national and international archaeological excavations .

The program will be completed with "Professional Seminars", a subject that will bring experts from around the world to the University to share projects and concerns with students.

This new diploma in Archaeology is aimed at any student of Degree in History who wants to add a distinctive element to their curriculum and wants to train in the new profile of archaeologist and historian of Antiquity demanded by society, with a training both theoretical and internship.

Among the different employment opportunities provided by the diploma are, in addition to the work as an archaeologist, the dedication to the tasks as researchers, cultural managers, agents of development territorial, heritage managers or staff of museums. The aim is, in final, for students to build their specialization in Archaeology on the basis of solid historical knowledge, but also on a network of contacts and a knowledge of tools and techniques that are at the forefront of research.  



